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RMU16 Model


The RMU16 is a powerful component for remote
equipment monitoring, control and datalogging.

The RMU16 performs functions such as
remote alarm monitoring and processing, start
and stop via touch-tone telephone or personal
computer, automatic dial out with built-in
voice annunciation, data logging, data acquisi-
tion, and telecommunications. 

The RMU16 features include a real time clock,
built-in modem and password protection. The
unit can be powered by 10-32 VDC systems
and it comes loaded with operating software.

The RMU16 includes eight (8) analog inputs
and two (2) relay outputs. Each of the eight (8)
inputs accepts 4-20 mA signals such as
Murphy’s PXMS pressure transducers, RTDT,
RTDTX temperature transmitters (NOTE:
PXMS, RTDT, RTDTX require 24 VDC power
supply). One of the analog inputs can be con-
figured to accept a magnetic pickup input for
speed monitoring.

The RMU16 accepts BCD inputs, such as
those provided by Murphy’s MARK III digital
annunciator, allowing for remote monitoring
of the annunciator sensor inputs.

The RMU16 also provides two (2) form “C”
relay outputs for ON/OFF control applications.

Basic Operation

The RMU16 module allows you to communi-
cate in Data or Voice mode. Both the Data and
Voice modes allow access to your equipment at
any time via standard touch-tone dial tele-
phones or a personal computer.
When operating the RMU16 in Data mode, an
ASCII terminal or computer is used to access
various functions. Commands are entered on
the keyboard, and response messages are dis-
played on the monitor. 

The commands to access the information are
simple 3-letter codes (e.g. INP = input, ALM =
alarm, PHO = telephone), generally followed
by a fourth letter (e.g. R = report, S = set).

In Voice mode, the RMU16 can be called to
inquire into conditions and status. When an alarm
condition exists, the RMU16 will automatically
call the telephone numbers pre-programmed.


Voice alarming systems

Remote monitoring upgrade for panels 
containing Murphy Mark III annunciators

Remote compressor sites

Flood control

Pumps and engines

Standard Features

User Definable Inputs
Each of the 4-20 mA analog inputs has program-
mable alarm and control setpoints. The RMU16
will scale to engineering units when the user enters
top of scale and bottom scale values. It accepts a
wide range of inputs in any combination. The
optional frequency input is to measure RPM.
The RMU16 BCD interface is compatible with
Murphy’s digital annunciators, allowing the
RMU16 to monitor 32-48 digital inputs as well.

Control Over Standard Phone!
Experience the convenience of inquiry into con-
dition and status from any standard telephone.
Control outputs may be turned on or off via
touch-tone. Analog values and BCD status are
reported in clear digitized speech, allowing the
user to perform control functions and check on
their effects almost instantaneously.
Data mode allows the user to review I/O, reconfigure
the unit remotely, and download datalogger records.

Works with Any ASCII Terminal.
There is no need for specialized SCADA





software. The open protocol allows virtu-

ally any communications package to communi-
cate with the unit. The user may simply opt to
run Hyper-Terminal


under Windows


to do con-

figuration, control the unit and perform other



Remote Status Inquiry by Telephone or Computer 

Automatic Alarm Dial Out with Built-In Voice
Annunciation to Eight Telephone Numbers

Broad Communications Capability, Built-In Modem and
Datalogger with Real Time Clock

Uses Any Communication Software or ASCII Terminal

Seven Analog Inputs (8-Bit Resolution) Plus 
Speed Input or Additional Analog 

Direct Interface to Digital Annunciator via BCD Port  

Class I, Div. 1, Grps. C & D, Explosion-Proof Enclosure




Remote Monitoring Unit

Revised 07-99

Catalog Section 50


All products indicated by trademark symbols are trademarked and/or registered by their respective companies. 
