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Connecting the MURIDEO SIX-G
The SIX-G generator can be operated manually, PC interfaced with Spectracal’s CalMan version
5.6 or greater (in automated mode), or the supplied application software.
Manual Operation Connection
1. Connect the AC power adapter to the generator and plug it into AC power or power the
generator using the internal battery.
2. Connect the HDMI cable between the generator and the unit under test.
3. You are now ready to power up the generator and unit under test and proceed with your
performance verification.
a. The display will show the last pattern and resolution used. The HPD light will be
ON and the HDCP light will be ON if HDCP is enabled.
4. To change the output resolution - Push the OK button to recall the TIMING RES menu or
push the YELLOW hot key to bring up a list of commonly used timings. Use the UP/DOWN
keys to step to the timing you want and then push the OK button.