kbps (Since the over the air transmission is synchronous, the 15.36 kbps synchronous
over the air rate is equivalent to 19.2 kbps asynchronous into the radio serial port). If the
base transmits continuously at a higher rate than this, unless the default settings are
changed, the transmit buffer will eventually overflow. To allow a higher base throughput,
either increase the base slot size or the hop duration or both. A similar analysis needs to
be performed for the remote radios. Refer to
Section 2.2.3 TDMA Mode
for the remote
throughput calculation.
4.4 Power-On Reset Requirements
The WIT910 has an internal reset circuit that generates and maintains the WIT910 in a
reset state until the power supply voltage reaches a minimum of 2.5-volts for 100
milliseconds. This reset circuit protects the radio and non-volatile memory from brown-
out voltage conditions. If devices that communicate with the WIT910 have shorter reset
periods allowance must be made to allow the WIT910 to come out of reset. Commands
and data sent before the WIT910 is out of reset will be ignored.
©2010-2015 by Murata Electronics N.A., Inc.
WIT910 Integration guide (R) 05/14/15
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