2000- 2005 Murata
M-2410-0000 Rev G
7.3. WinCom Tools
There are seven selections under the Tools menu. The first, Obey CTS is useful when just
a three wire connection is made between the radio and the computer. Some PCs let the
CTS input line float. If CTS is not asserted, the PC COM port will not send data.
Note: Unchecking this selection will have the PC COM port
ignore the state of CTS and transmit data.
When WinCOM’s transmit mode is used, data is sent continuously until the user stops it
by clicking on Stop or pressing F6. If the second tool, Single Transmit, is checked,
clicking the Transmit button will send the Transmit String a single time. There is no need
to click Stop. Clicking on the Transmit button a second time will have the string
transmitted a second time.
The third allows for checking of available Comm Ports and is useful for refreshing the
The fourth, Transmit Tools allows for testing of the Transparent, WIT2410/WIT910 or
WIT2411 settings. Parameters related to how the transmission will take place can be set
including Handle, Transmit Period, whether or not a Sequence Number should be added,
if the Transmission will be continuous or one time, if the data should be sent in Hex
Format and whether or not data can be received. Data is entered into the Data field, then
Data Size can be set and clicking Fill loads the data into the Transmit Field.