L60iF Issue 9 November 2018
2. Specification
Flow rate
Nominal 60 litres per minute. The actual flow depends on the filter medium e.g. filter paper,
Maypack filter, etc. Flow will also be affected by the length and size of connections, for
example to a duct. Typical flow using a Maypack filter 55 litre/minute.
Vacuum Fluorescent. Display data is selected by menu keys as follows:
Operator Mode (See flow chart at rear of manual)
1. Time/date - opening and default display with option to start programmed test or display
result of last test.
run test
is selected, appropriate displays indicate the type of test in progress and once
it is complete, the results of the test. (The operator can cancel a test in progress at any time
by switching off the sampler)
Supervisory mode (See flow chart at rear of manual)
The following test modes can be selected for running in operator mode. Once selected they
will be available to the operator until changed.
Immediate start and stop after selected time.
Immediate start and stop when selected volume sampled.
Delayed start and stop after selected test period.
Delayed start and stop when selected volume sampled.
Immediate start and run until manually stopped.
The following parameters can also be viewed and changed if required.
Test results - displays results of last 250 tests.
Low & high flow alarm - user selected flow rates at which low or high flow
alarm is raised and test is aborted.
Real time - displays real time for possible correction.
Date - displays date for possible correction.
Mute the audible alarm.
Set Auto resume parameters or turn the feature off.
Flow and total volume - depends on the accuracy class of the rotameter flow gauge used for
calibration. Initial calibration of flow rate will be
2% of reading. The user can improve on
this if required. Accuracy of total measured volume will be similar to that of the flow.