Note if wording in Modbus box is "NO REPLY FROM
NODE". Check polarity connection of RS485 link at M560
and PC. Check that M560 has auxiliary power by checking
Red LED on front of M560. If LED continually
illuminated power supply o.k. If LED illuminated and
flashing every 10 seconds, power supply ok M560
communicating ok. If LED flashing every second there is no
measuring input voltage signal.
2.9 Displaying parameters being measured.
Once M560 is communicating with your PC you can now
monitor different readings.
COMMENTS : The 6 boxes
show line to line voltage and
line to neutral voltage for
each phase. Note if unit is 3
phase 3 wire M560-CT4
V1,V2,V3 are the same as
VL1-2, VL2-L3, VL3-1.
ACTION : Click on
COMMENTS : The next six
parameters being monitored
are displayed. e.g I1,I2,I3,
WSum, VA Sum, VAR Sum.
01/08/101, 12:51