Video Grabber DisplayPort User Manual - ver. 1.2
Device control buttons
Save button
In order to send configuration changes and store inserted parameters, please use Save configuration
button. After click this button, information window with message Configuration updated… will replace
device Configuration Tab for 1 sec. No device reboot is necessary to use new configuration.
Update time from NTP button
When proper NTP server addresses are entered, those setting can be immediately checking by pressing
this button. After successfully connection to NTP server, window with information Time updated… will
replace device Configuration Tab for 1 sec. If entered setting are wrong or device can’t connect to NTP
source, information about error will be shown on device Web interface.
Using this button is strongly recommended to check connection between device and NTP Server and
to reduce time synchronization period.
Reboot device button
Button for rebooting device.
Force firmware update button
This button is similar to Reboot device button, but after pressing, lead device to the programming state
mode. Device will be wait for new firmware to be uploaded. Upgrading procedures and methods are
described in Video Grabber Upgrade Procedure Manual.