Deploy the servo leads in the channel in the spar covers, and
secure them with a little glue (hot-melt adhesive or contact
cement). Don’t use cyano for this, as it tends to make the cable
insulation brittle.
Fig. 23
22. Checking the wing joiner system
The model can now be assembled using the GRP wing joiner
: slide the wing panels onto the joiner until they are 5 cm short
of the fuselage on each side, then connect the plugs on the
aileron extension leads to the sockets installed in the fuselage.
Slide the wings closer to the fuselage, and you will find that the
connected leads help to locate them properly. Finally push the
wings into the fuselage on both sides.
Check that the wing panels
are a snug fit (no gaps)
where they meet the fuselage. If they are excessively tight, carefully
compress the edges of the wing root where they enter the
fuselage recess.
Note: the wing panels should not be glued to
the fuselage.
This enables you to remove the wings to make the
model easier to transport.
Fig. 25
23. Installing the canopy latch lugs
First glue the canopy former
in the underside of the canopy
then push the two latch tongues
through the former, and set
them flush. Apply thick cyano to the serrated edges - no activator
in this case! - then insert the latch tongues in the slots in the
canopy. Immediately fit the canopy on the fuselage and allow the
latch tongues to engage in the latch catches
. Check the
position of the canopy on the fuselage without delay, then wait
about one minute before cautiously re-opening the canopy. Spray
activator on the glued joints between the latch tongues and the
canopy former
Fig. 26
General note on the receiving system installation
The remaining airborne equipment can now be installed in the
cabin area. Before you fit the receiver battery permanently it is
important to check the model’s Centre of Gravity (CG); you can
often correct the balance point at this stage by shifting the
Velcro tape (hook tape
+ loop tape
) is supplied for securing
the receiving system components, but please note that the
adhesive layer on the tape is not sufficient for this application, so
apply cyano to reinforce the joints.
In both versions of the aeroplane the receiver should be installed
aft of the servos, again using Velcro tape. Thread the aerial wire
(attached to the receiver) into the plastic sleeve
, which has
already been installed. The easy way to do this is to file a length
of steel rod to a point, then slip it through the sleeve
from the
tail end. Push the point into the end of the aerial insulation and
apply a drop of cyano to the joint. You can then pull the aerial
through the sleeve from the tail end.
The model is designed for the installation of an MPX aero-tow
release, # 72 3470; the mechanism is simply glued in the glider
. A short length of snake outer sleeve runs from the release
unit towards the tow release servo, passing through the centre
of the battery pack as shown. The linkage takes the form of a
length of 1.2 mm Ø steel rod.
Fig. 27
Motor + receiving system installation in the electric-powered
Our recommended components have been thoroughly tested,
and are well matched to each other.
If you wish to use different units, especially if they take the form of
a more powerful motor, then it is your responsibility to ensure
that the airframe is “up to the job”.
Install the motor and tighten all screws thoroughly. Deploy the
power cables in such a way that they cannot possibly foul any of
the motor’s moving parts. Tape the wires to the fuselage.
Fig. 28
The speed controller can be attached to the fuselage side
adjacent to the receiver, using Velcro tape.
The intended location of the flight battery is the space aft of the
receiver. The battery should be positioned in such a way that
little or no ballast is required to balance the completed model.
Secure the battery with Velcro tape in the usual way.
Now complete all the receiving system connections as described
in the instructions supplied with your radio control system. Check
that all the cables are secured well, but are not under strain or
Fit the propeller driver on the motor output shaft. Allow about 1
mm clearance between the rear face of the driver and the
Attach the propeller blades to the propeller driver, and tighten the
pivot screws fully, but not excessively. The blades must be able
to swing down under their own weight when you hold the model’s
nose up.
Switch the transmitter on, connect the flight battery to the speed
controller, and the controller to the receiver. The controller you
are using must feature a BEC (Battery Eliminator Circuit) system,
i.e. the receiver draws power from the flight battery.
Switch the motor on briefly, and check the direction of rotation of
the propeller. When test-running the power system remove all
light, loose objects behind the model, and hold it really firmly.
Caution: even small motors and propellers represent a serious
injury hazard!
Setting the control surface travels
The control surface travels must be correct, otherwise the model
will not respond harmoniously to the controls. All travels are
measured at the widest point of the control surface concerned.
- stick back (towards you) -
approx. + 8-10mm
down - stick forward (away from you) - approx. - 8-10mm
a p p r o x . 1 5 - 2 0 m m
each way
approx. + 15 mm
approx. - 6 mm
Spoilers - both ailerons up
approx. + 20 mm
Spoiler mixer (elevator trim compensation)
approx. - 4 mm
Fig. 29
The “Spoiler” function is designed to shorten the landing
approach by deflecting both ailerons up simultaneously. At the
same time the appropriate down-elevator trim is mixed in, so
that the model maintains a stable attitude. This function can only
be implemented if your radio control system features suitable
mixer facilities.
Please refer to the instructions supplied with your RC system for
details of this.
when you apply a right-aileron command, the right-hand
aileron - as seen from the tail, looking forward - must deflect up.
If you cannot set the stated control surface travels using your