Figure 2: Default Board Configuration
LED Indicators
The ML4062-MCB-MXP-ETH includes on-board LEDs, for quick debugging and monitoring
purposes. LEDs are summarized below:
LED D10 for Ethernet operation.
LED D3 indicates whether a USB cable is plugged or not.
LEDs D2 and D4, colored green and red, respectively, are used for diagnostic purposes:
If D2 is on: USB is locked and device is recognized by the USB driver
If D4 is on: USB is not connected or USB driver is not found
If both are off: board is not powered correctly or firmware is corrupted
If both are blinking: the board is in Bootloader mode
LED D8: LPMODE signal monitoring
LED D19: RESET_L signal monitoring
LED D16: INT_L signal monitoring
LED D18: MODPRS_L signal monitoring
Low Speed Signals
3.6.1 External I2C
P20 and P21 are used to connect the pull up resistors for I2C SCL and SDA signals. The external
I2C is driven through SCL and SDA pins of J7 Connector, shown in the image below.
Figure 3: I2C Pins