Chapter 1 – Product Description and Specifications
Product Features
GPRS Class 10
Dual-band 850/1900 or 900/1800 GSM/GPRS
GSM Class 1 and Class 2 Group 3 FAX
Short Message Services features including text and PDU, point to point, cell broadcast
14.4K GSM circuit switched data
MMCX antenna connector and SIM socket
Serial interface supports DTE speeds to 115.2K
AT command compatible*
V.42bis data compression
ME + SIM phone book management
Fixed dialing number
SIM Toolkit Class 2
SIM, network and service provider locks
Real time clock
Alarm management
UCS2 character set management
*AT Commands - AT commands for this product are published in a separate document available on the
Developer’s Kit system CD or from Multi-Tech. For a copy of this document, contact OEM Sales at
or call (800) 972-2439.
Feature Details
Integration Reduces Space, Power, and Cost –
The SocketModem
CDMA integrates the controller,
RF transceiver, and antenna interface in one module. This integration requires low power and low
real estate, and it provides an overall reduction in costs.
Reduces Development Time –
The SocketModem GSM/GPRS can make your existing and next
generation device, machine, or system communication-ready without requiring significant hardware
changes to its design. This complete, ready-to-integrate wireless SocketModem allows you to
enhance your product while you focus on developing its core features.
Short Message Services –
The SocketModem GSM/GPRS offers SMS features such as text and
PDU, point-to-point (MT/MO), and cell broadcast.
Management Features –
The SocketModem GSM/GPRS provides advanced management features
that include: phone book management, fixed dialing number, real time clock, and alarm management.
Industry-standard Modem Commands –
The SocketModem GSM/GPRS provides industry-
standard AT-style commands for ease of integration into your existing software application.
SocketModem Pin-Out –
The SocketModem GSM/GPRS interfaces easily with existing products
through a standard serial communication channel. The complete on-board RF transceiver interfaces
with an antenna for direct connection to wireless SMS, circuit-switched dial-up, or packet data
networks. The SocketModem also includes an onboard LED to display network status. The
SocketModem is a Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) device with serial asynchronous protocol support.
The serial DTE channel is capable of transfer speeds to 115.2K bps and can be interfaced directly to
a UART or microcontroller.
Developer’s Kit
The SocketModem GSM/GPRS Developer’s Kit allows you to plug in the SocketModem and use it for
testing, programming, and evaluation. The kit includes:
one development board with RS-232 DB-25 connector
universal power supply
RS-232 cable