U-20808/U-20809 Non-Adjustable Vertical Indicator Posts
care and maintenance
Model U-20808/U-20809 Indicator
Posts do not require any regular
schedule maintenance.
It is recommended that Indicator
Posts used to operate fire protection
system water control valves be
locked in the fully-open position
using the Post Wrench. The locks
must be sturdy and resistant to
breakage except by heavy bolt
It is also recommended that once a
month a visual inspection procedure
be followed, with the following items
1. The Post Head, Upper Barrel, and
Windows have not been damaged.
2. The Targets indicate that the valve
is open.
3. The Wrench is in place on the
Indicator Post, and it is properly
locked in the “OPEN” position.
In addition, on a quarterly basis, the
Indicator Post should be closed two
turns and then reopened tight to
verify that the PIV is in the full open
position and properly engages with
the Post and, that the Supervisory
Switch contacts (if applicable)
properly change position.
Any damaged parts must be
immediately replaced. The Indicator
Post should also be physically tried
to be sure that the valve is in the
fully-open position, if there are any
damaged parts, sign of tampering,
or the position of the valve is
NOTE: Before closing a fire
protection system main valve for
maintenance work on either the
Indicator Post or fire protection
systems which it controls,
permission to shut down the
affected fire protection systems
must first be obtained from
the proper authorities and all
personnel who may be affected by
this decision must be notified.
It is recommended that fire
protection systems be inspected by
a qualified Inspection Service.
Water (U.S.)
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Reliable Connections
Form 13893 – Rev 09/17