Fire Hydrant
Replacing Traffic Flange and Stem Coupling
CAUTION: Always fill the oil reservoir with the Bonnet installed, the Hydrant in its normal upright position, and
the main valve fully closed. If the Hydrant is filled with lubricant under any other circumstances, excess lubricate can
overfill the Bonnet and create a pressure lock. This could result in damage to the seals or Bonnet or prevent proper
Hydrant operation.
Attach Upper Barrel with new Traffic
Flange Halves (with bevel on outer
edge downward) and Bolts; being sure
Traffic Flange O-ring* is in groove in
Upper Barrel. Tighten Bolts to 60 ft-lbs.
Remove Oil Filler Plug in side of Bonnet.
Pour MUELLER Hydrant Lubricant into
Oil Reservoir until it is level with Oil
Filler Plug Hole. Replace Oil Filler Plug
(see lubrication section on page 8 of the
Mueller Centurion Manual).
Turn Operating Nut in closing direction
to make sure Main Valve is closed
tightly, then turn in opening direction
approximately 1/4 turn to relieve
tension on operating mechanism.
Check Bonnet O-ring* for proper
position and condition. Attach Brass
Sleeve to Upper Stem and lubricate
outside to protect O-ring Seals from
thread damage. Place Bonnet onto
Upper Barrel and assemble Bonnet
Bolts only hand-tight. Remove Brass
Sleeve. Reassemble Operating Nut,
Anti-Friction Washer, and Hold-down
Nut (snug-tighten). Be sure O-ring
Seals are in good condition at thread
shoulder on outside of Hold-down Nut
and on inside where contact is made
with Operating Nut.
*To determine correct O-rings for Bonnet
and Ground Line flanges, which are similar
in appearance: smaller diameter O-ring is
used at Bonnet flange; larger at Ground line
EqUIPMENT & TOOLS NEEdEd – PPE: Hard hat, safety shoes, safety vest, safety glasses, work gloves.
Tools: Wrench, A-311 Operating Wrench, A-366 Brass Sleeve, MUELLER Hydrant Lubricant.
Torque Bonnet Bolts to 40-80 ft-lbs.
Torque Hold-down Nut to 200-300
ft-lbs. after Bonnet Bolts are tight. Open
Gate Valve. Unscrew one Hose Nozzle
Cap slightly to bleed air. Open Hydrant
fully. Tighten Hose Nozzle Cap when
water starts flowing and check all flange
connections for leaks. Turn Operating
Nut to fully closed position and remove
Hose Nozzle Cap to allow Barrel to
drain. Replace Hose Nozzle Cap.