Reliable Connections
Water (Canada)
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Water (U.S.)
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Gas (North America)
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H-603 and H-604 Power Operators
Caution: Should the equipment that the power operator is connected to suddenly stop turning or stall, the torque
transmitted through the handle of the power operator may be sufficient to cause the person holding it to be thrown off
balance. Before starting the power operator, the person operating should assume a stable, well braced and balanced
position on solid ground so this torque can be controlled, Do not uSE WiRE, taPE oR anY otHER MEanS to HoLD
tHE PoWER oPERatoR SWitCH oR tHRottLE LEVER in tHE “on” oR “Run” PoSition. DoinG So MaY PREVEnt
tHE PoWER oPERatoR FRoM SHuttinG oFF in tHE EVEnt tHE PERSon oPERatinG LEtS Go oF tHE HanDLE.
o P E R a t i n G i n S t R u C t i o n S
Caution: Do not suspend the
power operator by the power cord,
or use the cord to lift or lower the
unit. Doing so may cause the cord to
separate or compromise the electrical
connection inside the unit, making the
unit inoperable or posing an electrical
shock hazard. use of the power
operator with a damaged electrical
cord or compromised electrical
connection could result in serious
injury or death.
WaRninG: Do not use the power
operator in an explosive atmosphere
or around flammable materials. Do
not remove or deface the warning tag,
form 8933, attached to the unit.
Electrical Connection
Only operate the H-603 unit from a power
source rated at 120VAC or DC,10 AMPS
with a minimum capacity of 1500 watts to
accommodate peak load requirements.
When connected to an AC source – To
help prevent electrical shock or possible
electrocution, always use the supplied
Ground Fault Current Interrupter (GFCI)
in series with this unit and a 3-prong
grounding type receptacle, which is
installed in accordance with the National
Electrical Code. The GFCI is for use
ONLY with 120VAC, 60Hz. DO NOT use
the GFCI on Direct Current (DC). See
instructions supplied with the GFCI for
additional information.
Extension cords must have a continuous
rated capacity of 10 AMPS at 120 volts
and include a properly connected
grounding circuit. DO NOT connect the
ground wire (normally green) to the
neutral wire (normally white).
DO NOT remove or in any way disable
the grounding lug on the plug of the unit
of GFCI.
Replacement GFCI units are available
by contacting Mueller Customer Service
at 800-423-1323.
Before each use of the unit – Check
to be sure the electric motor is securely
attached to the handle and that all
mounting screws are in place and tight.
Also, inspect the gear case for leakage.
The gear case (
pint capacity) is
filled with the proper lubricant at the
factory and requires no periodic service.
However, if leakage has occurred or
the gear case requires repair, contact
Mueller Co. Customer Service at:
1-800-423-1323 for return instructions.
After approximately every forty
tapping operations – check the brushes
in the electric motor by removing the
plastic screws, located one on each side
of the electric motor. When removing the
brushes, observe the relationship of the
curvature at the end of each brush and
reinstall the brushes with the curvature in
the same position. Replacement brushes
are available from Mueller Co. Customer
Service at 1-800-423-1323.
NOTE: If the electric motor does not
turn on when the switch trigger is
pulled, small debris particles may
be in the brushes/ armature area of
the motor. To correct this situation,
unplug the unit from the power
source, remove and wipe the electric
brushes clean. Then spray the brush
contact area with electric contact
cleaner, re-install the brushes and
continue operations.
H-603 electric OPeratOr