WHEn You sEE a “ WarnInG!” BE surE to HEED tHE MEssaGE!
tHE InForMatIon contaInED In tHEsE MEssaGEs can saVE Your lIFE!!
This instruction manual complies with the Treestand Manufacturers Association’s TMS 04 -
Standard Practice for Treestand Instructions
and TMS 02 -
Standard Test Method for Treestand Fall Arrest Systems.
Failure to read and strictly comply
with the instructions contained here may
result in serious injury or death!
When installing your climbing system,
you must wear a full-body fall arrest harness and
use the climbing belt at all times while installing
or removing your climbing system. The use of the
climbing belt ensures your stable attachment to
the tree until installation is complete. Failure to
follow these instructions may result in serious
injury or death!
If using this climbing system with a
fixed position treestand, you must install your
climbing system so it extends a minimum of
24-inches (2 feet) above the
(Fig. 1).
This practice allows the user to have
a firm hand hold when stepping down onto
the foot platform.
attempt to step up
onto your foot platform. Failure to follow these
instructions may result in serious injury or death!
you must visually check each ladder
section connection prior to climbing. If you find
a ladder section is separating,
Do not
climb the
ladder. Failure to follow these instructions may
result in serious injury or death!
Following ascent (climbing up), you
must attach the full-body fall arrest harness
tree belt to the tree trunk before disconnecting
your climbing belt. This must be done prior to
stepping down onto the foot platform. Failure
to follow these instructions may result in serious
injury or death!
When installing your climbing system, never attempt to
climb with anything (e.g., fixed position treestand, weapon, etc.) in your
possession. Always use a pull up rope to raise and lower the climbing
system components with help from another adult at ground-level
during installation and removal.
nEVEr attEMPt to clIMB WItH anY
HuntInG coMPonEnt or accEssorY In HanD or on Your BacK
Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
Prior to attempting to use this or any other
Muddy® product(s) you must take a moment and become
familiar with its assembly, setup, use, installation, and
removal. you must practice installing, setting-up, using
and removal of this product(s) at ground-level prior to
attempting to use it at heights above ground-level. Once you
have become thoroughly knowledgeable and comfortable
with this product(s) setup, installation, use and removal at
ground-level, you are now ready to use it at heights above
ground-level. Failure to follow these instructions may result
in serious injury or death!
your climbing system was
designed for
installation on trees with a minimum diameter of nine (9)
inches (23 cm) and a maximum diameter of (20) inches (51
Do not
use your Muddy® product(s) on trees with trunk
diameters that do not meet this minimum/maximum diameter
requirement. Failure to follow these instructions may result in
serious injury or death!
Do not
leave your climbing system installed
for more than two weeks (14 continuous days). Any number
of factors can jeopardize its installation. These include, but
are not limited to, weather or other environmental factors
that can negatively affect its performance. Animals can also
cause damage to your climbing system that can negatively
affect its performance and your safety. Additionally, factors
such as tree growth can stress and damage supporting
straps and buckles. Failure to follow these instructions may
result in serious injury or death!
Do not
use this, or any other product(s) to
climb utility poles, telephone poles, structural columns or
any other man-made structures. Never use this or any other
product(s) around power generation (e.g., transformers,
generators, substations, etc.) and/or power transmission equipment.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
Never use a treestand on a dead, leaning, diseased or loose
barked tree.
nEVEr usE a trEE BrancH, or anY PortIon oF a
trEE, to suPPort anY PortIon oF Your trEEstanD, clIMBInG
sYstEM or BoDY.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in
serious injury or death!
Prior to using this climbing system you must also read and follow all Safety Warnings from pages 2-4 of this manual.
2 Ft.
FigURe 1
To activate your product’s warranty, a registration card can be found on page 8 and must be completed and returned to the manufacturer within 30 days of
purchase. Be sure to keep a copy of this for your records.
storaGE anD carE oF Your clIMBInG sYstEM:
your new climbing system is factory finished with a state-of- the-art powder coating that
guarantees years of trouble-free service. It is recommended that you store your climbing system out of direct sunlight and out of any other harsh
environmental condition(s) that may adversely affect its performance.