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Page 3: ...res Stunning blue anodized aluminum cans MM TWC TIRE COOKER Additional Tire warmers for serious drivers Can be connected CTX W temperature controlled Always ON Quick warming or CTX step warming Blinking once a second LED turned on longer time Delaying or Warming done Blinking once a second during delaying in CTX warm LED turned on shorter time Front temperature did not get to target temperature Bl...
Page 4: ... plate properly then tighten 4 screws gently Make sure battery wires do not bend 2 Place your battery pack into foam inserts 4 Insert your battery pack into the CTX D carefully and connect battery connector to female Tamiya connector inside 3 If your battery pack fits into foam inserts too tight cut four corners of foam insert properly with a cutter knife 1 When you charge battery pack inside turn...
Page 5: ... warming change front or rear temperature move to rear set up return to quick warming display You can see elapsed time during Quick warming 3seconds 3seconds Enter or Quit from User set up Back to quick warming display Quit out of Quick warming Quit out of Quick warming If you see on the display check warmers connection On above display rear warmers have bad connection or disconnected FL 59 5 RL 5...
Page 6: ...wn or Set auto start timer You can check current step and elapsed time You can check temperature or 1 2 2 2 delay time Quit from CTX warming Skip delaying move to 2 2 step warming FR 70 0 RR 70 0 FL 70 0 RL 70 0 FR 60 0 RR 60 0 FL 60 0 RL 60 0 CTX 2step Done 00 30 Quit from CTX warming If you need extra hot warming for certain track or weather conditions You can set 100deg C by hit key once more w...
Page 7: ...Master 24A power supply MM CTXP3 New warmers may produce a slight odour in the first few hours of service due to materials curing inside the device Product Warranty MUCHMORE RACING warrants their CTX W to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 120 days from the date of purchase This warranty applies only to the original purchaser MUCHMORE RACING or their associated distri...
Page 8: ... warmers as same way If you push key on FL CTX W will save all calibration data and will restart itself TEMP adjust mode hand off please Determine target temperature for calibration Target TEMP OFF FR 71 2 RR 69 5 FL 68 4 FL RL 71 0 9 Factory reset 1 With push key and hold input 12V power You can reset the CTX W when you want to return all values to the original values Stop pushing button or will ...
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