Ramps are enabled by default. Grounding PIN 12 (ramps) disables ramping. Grounding PIN
13 (orient) causes the motor shaft to rotate at 1 rps.
The four possible speed ranges are identified as LOW 1, 2, 3, and HI 4. The user has to
devise the logic as to how to operate the relays based on the amplifier control inputs.
There are three outputs, Fault, Slow, and At Speed. These are open collector (NPN 2N7053)
transistors with their emitters connected to GND. Each output can be connected to a +30 Vdc
maximum open circuit voltage source. Each transistor will sink .15 amps when it is ON.
The Fault Output turns ON if there is a fault, and the slow output turns ON if the motor is
stopped or moving slowly as an indication that the Shift Input can be changed. The At Speed
Output is on once the motor reaches its commanded speed based on the command voltage
and TAC signal.
The amplifier should be disabled when the motor windings are switched.