Check the installation if they are correct before starting the pump. If the pump
operates while there are any loose fasteners, it will cause damage to surrounding
people and equipment.
If the fluid is a flammable, it is recommended to link the ground wire to avoid chances
of a fire or explosion from happening.
Check the tightness of the inlet and outlet tube to ensure a stable link between the
pump and tube. The fasteners should be tightened down to the correct torsion to be
When testing the pump before operation, the air inlet pressure should start at the
lowest limit and then regulate the air pressure to the highest limit. Make sure the
pump operation is normal and then regulate the air pressure to the value required.
It is recommended to not let the pump idle for too long to avoid pressure loss and
It is recommended to regulate the air inlet pressure to control the flow rate first, and
then gradually increase the fluid outlet switch slowly to the necessary value.
When the pump is operating fluid filled inside and outlet switch is closed, then the
pump will stop. This is not dangerous, but it is recommended to not hold this state for
too long or have an operator beside. Otherwise, the fluid will leak.
When stopping the pump, follow these instructions: close the inlet line for air, open
the outlet switch and release the pressure remaining inside the pump and pipe.
If you want to transfer the fluid which can precipitate or easily solidify, be sure to
transfer the solvent to wash the pump inside after ceased operation. Otherwise, it can
break the diaphragm and crack the thimble switch when the pump starts up next time.
Please read this manual carefully before servicing the pump.
Don’t service the pump when it is operating o avoid causing endangering the operator.
Before servicing the pump, follow these instructions: close the inlet line for air, open
the outlet switch and release the pressure remaining inside the pump and pipe
Please use components produced from TONSON to service. Otherwise, it may cause
breakdown or reduced in efficiency.
It is recommended to be preserved and do yearly inspections.
When tightening the fasteners, ensure the correct torsion. If the fastener is tightened
greater or lesser than the necessary torque, it may cause the component to break or
an accident.
If any breakage, accident or breakdown because of what was stated above, the
warranty is void.