Oct 2008
TRUNK IN and TRUNK OUT (+,–,S) are interconnected in the Fieldbus Barrier.
Ensure that the fieldbus trunk cable is de-energised before commencing wiring .
Open enclosure/cover.
Insert leads in the corresponding terminals:
TRUNK IN: Cable from host / fieldbus power supply
TRUNK OUT: If applicable, cable to the next Fieldbus Barrier
Secure the terminals using an appropriate tool.
Close cover/enclosure.
Intrinsically safe spur connections can be worked on while power is connected to the Fieldbus Barrier.
Only one field device should be connected per spur connection.
Open enclosure.
Insert leads in the corresponding terminals.
Secure the terminals using an appropriate tool.
Close enclosure.
IP30 cover open on the non-intrinsically safe trunk:
Explosion protection is not in force when the cover is open.
Power to the fieldbus must be de-energised before opening the cover.
If the isolating switch is inside the hazardous area it must be suitably protected.
The fieldbus trunk must be secured against unauthorised activation at this time.
Figure 9: Trunk and spur connections