MPA82000 Power Amplifier
The connection matrix selects the routing through the
amplifier. All inputs are shown in a horizontal line
across the top of the matrix and all outputs in a
vertical line down the right hand side of the matrix.
Any input can be connected to any combination of
outputs simply by placing a tick at the appropriate
junction in the matrix. The default setting is for Input
1 to connect to Output 1, Input 2 to Output 2, etc, but
in some situations it may be required that a
single input feeds all the outputs. If two inputs need
to be summed (e.g. to add left and right channels
together from a stereo source to make a mono
output), then multiple inputs can be selected for the
same output channel.
The default names for inputs and outputs can be
modified simply by double-clicking on any name and
entering a new name in the edit box.
The Equaliser page provides up to six bands of
parametric EQ for each amplifier channel. EQ
parameters of gain, frequency and filter Q can be
adjusted by manually entering figures or using the
up/down buttons by each value.
When the mouse is moved over the EQ screen a
cursor provides precise information regarding the
frequency and gain. An “add crossover” button to the
right of the screen will overlay crossover points onto
the frequency curve. A
click and drag
function is
provided so simply double-clicking on the equaliser
curve creates blue index points which can then be
dragged by the mouse allowing the EQ curve to be
adjusted visually.
The crossover page provides both a low pass filter
and a high pass filter for each channel. None, one or
both filter functions can be used for each channel.
Because of the importance of crossover points in
maintaining system performance and reliability it is
only possible to add or remove a crossover function
by simultaneously holding down CTRL and ALT keys
and clicking the tick box adjacent to LPF Enable or
HPF Enable. A
click and drag
function is provided so
simply double-clicking on the crossover curve
creates blue index points which can then be dragged
by the mouse allowing the crossover point to be
adjusted visually.
The delay page offers individual delay settings for
each channel of 0-104ms and a common delay (for
all channels) of 0-1.6s. Delay times are displayed in
Page 9