Backup Light Replacement
The Auxiliary Tender contains one LED type backup light controlled by the main
tender with ProtoSound 3.0 electronics.
The PS 3.0 backup light and other associated lights are small LEDs that require a lot
less power and generate a lot less heat than incandescent bulbs, resulting in
extremely long life compared to the incandescent bulbs. The LEDs are not user
You can obtain replacement parts and replacement instructions from the
M.T.H. Parts Department.
Order online:, e-mail: parts@mth-, Phone: 410-381-2580, Fax: 410-423-0009, Mail: 7020 Columbia
Gateway Drive, Columbia MD 21046-1532
Oil & Lubrication Instructions
In order for the engine to perform correctly and quietly, it is important that the
chassis be lubricated before operation. Lubrication should include all truck block
bushings and pickup rollers to prevent them from squeaking. Use light household oil
and follow the lubrication points marked “L" in Figure 4 below.
Periodically, check the locomotive wheels and pickups for dirt buildup as this can
significantly affect the engine’s ability to perform properly. Dirty track and dirty
wheels can cause both poor electrical contact as well as poor traction, especially on
elevated track sections.
Figure 4. Auxiliary Tender lubrication points and body mount screws
Lubricate (L)
Lubricate (L)
Body Mount Screws
Body Mount Screws
Body Mount Screws
Premier Southern Pacific Auxiliary Water Tender - PS 3.0 version