RailKing PCC Street Car Operating Manual
reverse until you press and release the bell button or re-enter NEUTRAL
and turn the bell off with the whistle button.
In fact, because of ProtoSounds® state-of-the-art design, the
microprocessor remembers its last command. Therefore, unless you turn
the bell off before you quit running your car, the next time you run the car,
the bell will come on. No matter whether you come back an hour later or a
year later, the bell will begin chiming once the car enters one of the three
directional states.
Unlike most ProtoSound® equipped engines, the PCC version of the
ProtoSound® software activates the bell in a slightly different manner.
Normally, the bell is activated by pressing the bell button. With the PCC’s
unique Trolley Announcement Sounds feature, the bell button is used to
activate the Trolley Announcements as well as to control the bell. In
addition, since most trolleys only used the bell to signal a start or stop
sequence and rarely ran with the bell constantly running, use of the bell was
normally quite limited. Nevertheless, the ProtoSound® equipped PCC bell
can be controlled by a bell button. Instead of pushing the button on to start
the bell sound, the operator must push and release the bell button quickly.
Failure to release the button quickly will activate the Trolley
Announcement feature which is described on the following pages.
To turn the bell on using the transformer’s whistle button, turn on power to
the track and cycle the engine into NEUTRAL. Turn the throttle to 8 volts
or less and press the whistle button. The bell should begin chiming. To
turn the bell off, press the whistle button again. If you want to keep the bell
on while running the car, simply interrupt the power with the transformer
throttle or the transformer directional switch and enter forward or reverse.
ProtoSound® equipped engines feature the ability to play the sound of
squeaking brakes whenever your car slows in speed. The PCC is shipped
with a default setting that causes the brake sounds to play while the car is in
forward or reverse and the transformer throttle is lowered from a high
setting to a low setting (14 volts to 8 volts or less). The brakes can be
turned off through a RESET setting explained later in this manual The
sound itself is a stored record on the ProtoSounds software chip and will
always play the same brake sound for the same three second length each
time the voltage is reduced from high to low. Some practice may be