dV E-Series Technical Reference Manual 208V – 600V
Form: DVT-TRM-E December 2021 Rev. 001
Installation Checklist
Prior to installation, please review the safety instructions on pages 1 & 2.
Failure to practice this can result in body injury!
Input and output wiring to the filter should be performed by authorized personnel
in accordance with NEC and all local electrical codes and regulations.
The filter is designed for use with copper conductors with a minimum
temperature rating of 75 degrees C.
The dV E-Series filters are supplied in the following mechanical configurations:
Kits (3A-750A): Reactor and resistor are provided separately and are not preassembled or
Open Panel assemblies (3A-750A): Reactor and resistor are assembled on a panel and pre-
wired together.
Floor mounted general purpose NEMA 1/2 & 3R cabinets (3A - 750A): Reactor and
resistor/resistor panel are supplied in a cabinet with all items pre-wired together.
Minimum Required Space:
When determining the internal temperature rise and cooling requirements of the enclosure,
include the power dissipation of the filter along with all the other components located in the panel.
A general guideline is to allow a side clearance of four (4) inches and a vertical clearance of six
(6) inches for proper heat dissipation and access within the enclosure. Clearances may be less if
proper ventilation exists. Filter components must operate within temperatures specified in this
manual or filter operating life will be compromised. Also, be aware of minimum electrical
clearances as defined by the appropriate system safety standard(s). The Kit and Open panel
versions of the dV E-Series filters generate heat and should be positioned away from heat
sensitive components. Avoid locations where the filter would be subjected to excessive vibrations.
Locate the filter as close to the inverter as possible.
General purpose NEMA 1/2 and 3R enclosed filters are designed for floor mounting in an
environment suitable for the enclosure type. Do not install in or near a corrosive environment.
Avoid locations where the filter would be subjected to excessive vibrations. Allow a minimum side
and back clearance of eight (8) inches and front clearance of thirty-six (36) inches for proper heat
dissipation and access.