Page 1: ...tsystemis equippedwitha sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor statelaws if any If a sparkarresteris used it shouldbemaintainedineffectiveworkingorderby the operator In theStateof Californiathe aboveis requiredbylaw Section4442of the CaliforniaPublicResources Code Otherstatesmayhavesimilarlaws Federallawsapplyonfederallands A sparkarrester for the muffleris availablethroughyour nearestengineauthori...
Page 2: ... informationwill be necessaryto use the manufacturer s web site and or obtain assistancefrom the Customer Support Department or an authorizedservice dealer Model Number Rb www mtd prod ucts com Serial Number MTD LLC P O BOX 361131 CLEVELAND ON 44136 330 220 4683 800 800 7310 y Customer Support Please do NOTreturn the unit to the retailer from which it was purchased without first contacting Custome...
Page 3: ...he factory Cut the cabletie beforeoperatingthe snowthrower _ ARNING Never use your hands to clear a clogged chute assembly Shut off engine and remain behind handles until all moving parts have stopped before using the clean out tool to clear the chute assembly 3 iil _I ii_ _ i _iii_ i _ _ii_ ii WARNING This symbolpoints out importantsafety instructionswhich if not followed could endangerthe person...
Page 4: is in operation Stopmachineif anyoneentersthe area 6 7 Exercisecautionto avoidslippingor falling especially 7 whenoperatingin reverse 8 9 Preparation Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to be used Removealldoormats newspapers sleds boards wiresand otherforeignobjects whichcouldbetripped over orthrownbythe auger impeller Alwayswearsafetyglassesor eyeshieldsduringoperation andwhile perf...
Page 5: ...devices Checktheir proper operationregularly Referto the maintenanceandadjust mentsectionsof this manual 2 Beforecleaning repairing or inspectingmachinedisen gageall controlleversandstopthe engine Wait untilthe auger impellercometo a completestop Disconnectthe sparkplugwire and groundagainstthe engineto prevent unintendedstarting 3 Checkboltsand screwsfor propertightnessat frequent intervalsto kee...
Page 6: ... page21for moreinformation regardingshearpin replacement Figure 1 Observethe lowerareaof the snowthrowerto be surebothcablesarealignedwithrollerguidesbefore pivotinghandleupward a Pullupand backon upperhandleas shownin Figure1 Alignupperhandlewiththe lowerhandle b Tightenhandknobssecuringupperhandleto lowerhandle 2 Removewingnutand hexscrewfromchutecontrol assemblyandclevispinandcotter pinfromchut...
Page 7: _ CAUTION Priorto operating your snowthrower referto AugerControl Test on page13 Readand follow all instructionscarefully and perform all adjustments to verifyyour snow thrower is operating safelyand properly Shear Pin Storage An areafor convenientshearpin storageis locatedunder the plasticdashpanel SeeFigure6 Your Snow Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 7 CAUTION Prior to operating your snowthrower re...
Page 8: ...threading the hex nutswhichsecurethem and reinstallthe driftcutters facingforwardbeforeoperatingthe snowthrower Referto Figure8 Secureto the augerhousingwithcarriageboltsand hexnutspreviouslyremoved SeeFigure9 If yourunit isnot equippedwithdriftcutters youmay contactCustomerSupportas instructed onpage2 for information regardingpriceand availability SnowThrowerModel DriftCutterKit Allmodels OEM 390...
Page 9: ...lybeforecontinuingto clearsnow Figure 10 __i ARNING Neveruse your hands to clean snow and icefrom the chute assembly or auger housing Tire Pressure Pneumatic Tires The tiresareover inflated for shippingpurposes Check the tire pressurebeforeoperatingthe snowthrower Refer to the tire sidewall for tire manufacturer s recommended psi anddeflate or inflate thetiresas necessary NOTE Ifthe tire pressurei...
Page 10: ...uipment to its fullest potential NOTE Fordetailedstartinginstructionsandmore informationonall enginecontrols referto the Tecumseh EnginesmanualpackedseparatelyandStarting The Engine onpage12of thismanual Nil Thechokecontrolisfoundonthe rearof the engineand is activatedby rotatingthe knobclockwise Activatingthe chokecontrolclosesthe chokeplateon thecarburetor Shift Lever The shiftleveris locatedon ...
Page 11: ...ey Clean Out Tool WARNING Neveruse your hands to clearaclogged chuteassembly Shut off engineand remainbehind handles until all moving partshave stopped before unclogging The clean outtool is mountedto the rearof the auger housingand isdesignedto cleara cloggedchute Refer to page9 for instructionson howto properlyuse it NOTE Thisitemis fastenedwitha cabletie to the rear of the augerhousingat the fa...
Page 12: ...position for a coldenginestart NOTE Ifthe engineis alreadywarm placechokecontrol inthe OFFpositioninsteadof FULL 3 Pushthe primertwoor threetimesfor coldengine start makingsureto coverventholein thecenterof the primerwhenpushing NOTE DONOTuseprimerto restartawarmengine aftera shortshutdown 4 Pushstarterbuttonto start engine 5 Oncethe enginestarts immediatelyreleasestarter button 6 Asthe enginewarm...
Page 13: ...ngprocess 3 Releasethe augercontrol the interlockmechanism shouldkeepthe augercontrolengageduntilthe drive controlis released 4 Releasethe drivecontrolto stopboththe augersand the wheeldrive To stopthe auger both leversmust bereleased Auger Control Test Performthe followingtest beforeoperatingyoursnow throwerfor thefirst timeandat the startof eachwinter Checkthe adjustment of the augercontrolas fo...
Page 14: ...ol TM cableshaveslackened if the chutedoesnot rotate fullyor itspitchcannotbe movedup ordown the chute controlcableswill haveto beadjusted Toadjustthesecables proceedas follows 1 Totightencable loosenthe top nutand tightenthe bottomnuton thecable 2 Adjustequallyon both sidesby workingonboth cables SeeFigure14 Drive Control Shift Lever Whenthedrivecontrolis releasedandin thedisengaged up position t...
Page 15: ... lowerhexnut to securethe bracketwhen correctadjustmentis reached 5 Reassemble the framecoverandturnthe unitbackto its operatingposition NOTE Ifyou placedplasticunderthe gas cap becertain to removeit now Skid Shoes The spacebetweenthisshaveplateandthe groundcan be adjusted Forclosesnowremoval placeskidshoesin the low position Usemiddleorhighpositionwhenareato be clearedis uneven 1 Adjustskidshoesb...
Page 16: ...ethewheeloff the axle Applya multipurposeautomotive greaseonthe shaftbefore puttingbackthe wheels 5 Auger Shaft At leastoncea season removethe shearpinsonaugershaft Spraylubricantinsideshaft aroundthe spacers Also lubricatethe flangebearings foundat eitherendof the shaft SeeFigure17 6 Drive Auger Control Lock The camonthe endsof the controlrodswhichinterlockthe driveandauger controlsmustbe lubrica...
Page 17: ...sideof the housing Tightensecurely Re instaN skidshoes Replacing Belts Checkthe conditionof bothaugerbelt anddrivebelt every25hoursof snowthroweroperation Replaceif eithershowssignsof wearandtear Toremoveand replaceeithertheaugerbelt orthe drivebelt followthe steps belowandthen proceedto the specificstepslisted underrespectivesub headings 1 Removebelt coverby removingthe twoself tapping screwsthat...
Page 18: ...gure23 b Unhookspringto releasetensiononthe augerbelt SeeFigure23 3 Removeoldbelt andreplacewithnewbelt wrappingit aroundtheaugerpulley SeeFigure24 4 Re insertshoulderscrewintothe mountingbracket andtightento secure 5 Wrapaugerbelt behindthe idler Reattachthe spring to the boltwhereit wasearliersecured 6 Re installframecoverand flipthe snowthrowerback to the operatingposition 7 Re installaugerbelt...
Page 19: ...the pulleys makesureto removethe screwdriverfromthe idler 5 Re installaugerbelton theenginepulley Re attachframecoveron the snowthrowerhousing and putthe equipmentbackto operatingposition Re attachbeltcoverwithtwoself tappingscrews removedearlier Friction Wheel Rubber NOTE Severalcomponentsmustbe removed and specialtoolsare requiredinorderto replacethissnow thrower sfrictionwheelrubber Seean autho...
Page 20: ...repareyour snowthrowerfor storage _ ARNING Drainfuel into an ap proved container outdoors away from any open flame Be certain engine is cool Do not smoke Fuel left in engine during warm weather deteriorates and will cause serious starting problems Removeall gasolinefromthecarburetorandthe fuel tankto preventgumdepositsfromformingon these partsand harmingtheengine Runthe engineuntilthe fuel tankis ...
Page 21: ...Loosepartsordamagedauger Vibration Stop engineimmediately and disconnectsparkplugwire Tighten all boltsandnuts If vibration continues haveunit servicedby a MTDServiceCenter Unitfails 1 Drivecontrolcablein needof adjust 1 Adjustdrivecontrolcable Referto to propel itself merit MakingAdjustments 2 Drivebeltlooseor damaged 2 Replacedrivebelt Unitfails 1 Chuteassemby clogged 1 Stop engineimmediately an...
Page 22: ...Model 51VlL _ _ _2_ 22 ...
Page 23: ...Bolt 25 790 00118 ShavePlate 26 684 04057 ImpellerAssembly 27 717 04126 WormShaft 28 721 0327 OilSeal 29 741 0662 FlangeBearing 30 718 04071 ThrustCollar 31 741 0663 FlangeBearing 32 710 0642 TT Screw 1 4 20x 0 75 33 790 00087A BearingHousing 34 721 0325 Plug 35 736 3084 FiatWasher 36 715 04021 DowelPin 37 684 04108 SpiralAssembly RH 38 618 0123 ReducerHsg RH InclRef 44 45 39 717 0528A WormGear 20...
Page 24: ...Model 51VlL 24 ...
Page 25: ...HexScrew 1 4 20x 1 50 33 731 04427A UpperChute 34 790 00131 JoystickBracket 35 710 04187 Hi LoScrew 1 4 15x 0 5 36 684 04116A 4 WayChuteControl TM Assembly IncludesRef 57 37 749 04142 UpperHandleLH 38 710 04326 Screw 8 16x0 50 39 732 04219 ClutchLockSpring 40 731 04954 SteeringControl 41 738 04126 Pin 3 16 42 716 04036 E Ring 43 731 04785 HandleClutchLock LH 44 684 04110A HandleEngagement Assembly...
Page 26: ...Model 51VlL 26 ...
Page 27: ...96 AugerCableGuideBracket 38 748 0190 Spacer 39 738 04184 ShoulderScrew 40 790 00226 FrameCover 41 656 04025 FrictionWheelDiscAssembly 42 618 04283 DriveShaftAssembly 43 684 04159 FrictionWheelAssembly 735 04054 FrictionWheelRubberOnly 44 716 0136 RetainerRing 45 726 0221 SpeedNut 46 790 00183 WheelDriveFrame 47 756 04109 AugerPulley 48 736 0505 FiatWasher 49 710 1245B HexBolt 5 16 24x 0 875 50 73...
Page 28: ...justments andnormaldeterioration of the exteriorfinishdueto use orexposure d Servicecompletedby someoneotherthananauthorizedservice dealer e MTDdoes notextendany warrantyfor productssoldor exported outsideof the UnitedStates itspossessionsandterritories except thosesoldthroughMTD sauthorizedchannelsof exportdistribution f Replacement partsthatarenot genuineMTDparts g Transportation chargesand serv...