User Manual - PolyXeta
2 Detector with HL Sensor
for Refrigerant Gases - May_2020
is a registered trademark of MSR
Made in Germany
Phone: +49 8531 9004-0 Fax: +49 8531 9004-54
Specification subject to change without notice
MSR-Electronic GmbH, Buergermeister-Schoenbauer-Str. 13, D 94060 Pocking
Calculation of current signal at analog output, depending on the test gas concentration for Freon gases:
Set-point of current signal: (16 mA / measurement range * test gas concentration) + 4 mA
If the current signal differs by ± 0.2 mA from the calculated set point [1], calibration is required.
Test gas concentration - actual concentration of the test gas
Necessary Equipment and Gases
Gas application kit: Cal01_PX2
Magnetic pen for menu operation: MSR_Pen_PX2, for version with display
Service Tool STL06_PX2 or Software PCE06-PX2, for version without display
Kit for withdrawal of gas consisting of flow meter/indicator and pressure regulator/indicator
Calibration of Freon gases
Zero gas: Synthetic air (20 % O
, 80 % N, < 10 % RH)
Test gas: Concentration depending on gas type according to table 10.2, column Calibration gas.
Relative measurement inaccuracy ± 2 %, rest is synthetic air < 10 % RH.
A routine for comfortable zero and gain calibration is integrated in the PX2 gas detector. In the version with
built-in display the dialog takes place directly on the display surface. In the version without display the
dialog is done via service tool or PC software.
The dialog management on the screen and on the Service Tool are identical and shown in the description
PolyXeta 2 STL-06; the dialog management of the PC software can be read in the user manual
The test gas is applied until the display indicates a stable value.
The actual calibration process is identical for all three versions.
The zero point and gain calibration do not affect each other.
The PX 2 warning device including the sensor head has to be continuously powered with the operating
voltage before calibration in order to get stable conditions. The run-in period depends on the type of sensor
and is 168 hours for Freon sensors.
You have to activate the special mode before calibration.
In special mode new alarms are suppressed and there is no gas monitoring.
If there are no operating commands for more than 15 minutes, the PX2 unit exits the special mode