MSI MS-A934 User Manual Download Page 11



(Greek) (


) Σύμφωνα με την Οδηγία 2002/96/ΕΚ της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης («ΕΕ») περί 

Απόρριψης Ηλεκτρικού και Ηλεκτρονικού Εξοπλισμού (Weee), η οποία λαμβάνει ισχύ στις 13 

Αυγούστου 2005, τα προϊόντα «ηλεκτρικού και ηλεκτρονικού εξοπλισμού» δεν είναι δυνατόν να 

απορριφθούν πλέον ως κοινά απορρίμματα και οι κατασκευαστές κεκαλυμμένου ηλεκτρονικού 

εξοπλισμού είναι υποχρεωμένοι να πάρουν πίσω αυτά τα προϊόντα στο τέλος της ωφέλιμης ζωής 


(Polish) (


) Zgodnie z Dyrektywą Unii europejskiej (“Ue”) dotyczącą odpadów produktów 

elektrycznych  i  elektronicznych  (Dyrektywa  2002/96/eC),  która  wchodzi  w  życie  13  sierpnia 

2005, tzw. “produkty oraz wyposażenie elektryczne i elektroniczne “ nie mogą być traktowane 

jako śmieci komunalne, tak więc producenci tych produktów będą zobowiązani do odbierania ich 

w momencie gdy produkt jest wycofywany z użycia.

(Hungarian) (


) Az európai Unió („eU”) 2005. augusztus 13-án hatályba lépő, az elektro-

mos és elektronikus berendezések hulladékairól szóló 2002/96/eK irányelve szerint az elektro-

mos és elektronikus berendezések többé nem kezelhetőek lakossági hulladékként, és az ilyen 

elektronikus berendezések gyártói kötelessé válnak az ilyen termékek visszavételére azok hasz-

nos élettartama végén.

(Czech) (


) Podle směrnice evropské unie (“eU”) o likvidaci elektrických a elektronických 

výrobků 2002/96/eC platné od 13. srpna 2005 je zakázáno likvidovat “elektrické a elektronické 

výrobky”  v  běžném  komunálním  odpadu  a  výrobci  elektronických  výrobků,  na  které  se  tato 

směrnice vztahuje, budou povinni odebírat takové výrobky zpět po skončení jejich životnosti.

(traditional Chinese ) (


) 歐盟已制訂有關廢電機電子設備法令,亦即自2005年8月13日



(Simplified Chinese ) (


) 欧盟已制订有关废电机电子设备法令,亦即自2005年8月13日生



(Japanese)  (


)  2005年8月13日以降にeU加盟国を流通する電気・電子製品にはWeee指



(Korean) (


) 2005년 8월 13일자로 시행된 폐전기전자제품에 대한 유럽연합(“eU”) 지침, 지

침 2002/96/eC에 의거하여, “전기전자제품”은 일반 쓰레기로 폐기할 수 없으며 제품의 수명이 다

하면 해당 전자제품의 제조업체가 이러한 제품을 회수할 책임이 있습니다.

(Vietnam) (

tieng Viet

) theo Hướng dẫn của Liên minh Châu Âu (“eU”) về thiết bị điện & điện tử 

đã qua sử dụng, Hướng dẫn 2002/96/eC, vốn đã có hiệu lực vào ngày 13/8/2005, các sản phẩm 

thuộc “thiết bị điện và điện tử” sẽ không còn được vứt bỏ như là rác thải đô thị nữa và các nhà sản 

xuất thiết bị điện tử tuân thủ hướng dẫn sẽ phải thu hồi các sản phẩm này vào cuối vòng đời.







และอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ เลขที่ 2002/96/eC ซึ่งมีผลบังคับใช้ตั้งแต่วันที่ 13 สิงหาคม 2005 ผู้ใช้ไม่สามารถทิ้งผลิ

ตภัณฑ์ที่เป็น “อุปกรณ์ไฟฟ้าและอิเล็กทรอนิกส์” ปะปนกับของเสียทั่วไปของชุมชนได้อีกต่อไป และผู้ผลิตอุป


(Indonesia) (

Bahasa Indonesia

) Sesuai dengan Regulasi Uni eropa (“Ue”) perihal Weee (Lim-

bah Peralatan Listrik dan elektronik), Directive 2002/96/eC, yang berlaku sejak 13, 2005, produk 

“peralatan  listrik  dan  elektronik”  tidak  lagi  dapat  dibuang  sebagai  sampah  umum  dan  pabrik 

peralatan elektronik diwajibkan untuk mengambil kembali produk tersebut pada saat masa pak-

ainya habis.

(Serbian) (


) Po Direktivi evropske unije (“eU”) o odbačenoj ekektronskoj i električnoj op-

remi, Direktiva 2002/96/eC, koja stupa na snagu od 13. Avgusta 2005, proizvodi koji spadaju 

pod “elektronsku i električnu opremu” ne mogu više biti odbačeni kao običan otpad i proizvođači 

ove opreme biće prinuđeni da uzmu natrag ove proizvode na kraju njihovog uobičajenog veka 


(netherlands) (


) De richtlijn van de europese Unie (eU) met betrekking tot Vervuiling 

van electrische en electronische producten (2002/96/eC), die op 13 Augustus 2005 in zal gaan 

kunnen niet meer beschouwd worden als vervuiling. Fabrikanten van dit soort producten worden 

verplicht om producten retour te nemen aan het eind van hun levenscyclus.

(Romanian)  (


)  În  baza  Directivei  Uniunii  europene  (“Ue”)  privind  evacuarea  echipa-

mentului electric şi electronic, Directiva 2002/96/eC, care intră în vigoare pe 13 august, 2005, 

produsele din categoria “echipament electric şi electronic” nu mai pot fi evacuate ca deşeuri 

municipale, iar fabricanţii echipamentului electronic vizat vor fi obligaţi să primească înapoi pro-

dusele respective la sfârşitul duratei lor de utilizare.

(Portuguese) (


) De acordo com a Directiva 2002/96/eC de Resíduos de equipamen-

tos eléctricos e electrónicos da União europeia (Ue), efectiva desde o 13 de Agosto do ano 

2005, os produtos de “equipamento eléctrico e electrónico” não podem ser descartados como 

resíduo municipal e os fabricantes do equipamento electrónico sujeitos a esta legislação estarão 

obligados a recolhar estes produtos ao finalizar sua vida útil.

(Swedish)  (


) Under  europeiska  unionens  (“eU”)  Weee-direktiv  (Waste  electrical  and 

electronic  equipment),  Direktiv  2002/96/eC,  vilket  trädde  i  kraft  13  augusti,  2005,  kan  inte 

produkter från “elektriska och elektroniska utrustningar” kastas i den vanliga hushållssoporna 

längre och tillverkare av inbyggd elektronisk utrustning kommer att tvingas att ta tillbaka sådan 

produkter när de är förbrukade.

(Finnish)  (


)  euroopan  unionin  (eU)  13.8.2005  voimaan  tulleen  sähkö-  ja  elektroniikka-

laiteromua koskevan direktiivin 2002/96/eY mukaisesti ”sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaitteita” ei saa 

enää hävittää talousjätteiden mukana. Direktiivin alaisen sähkö- tai elektroniikkalaitteen valm-

istajan on otettava laitteet takaisin niiden käyttöiän päättyessä.

(Slovak) (


) na základe smernice európskej únie („eU“) o elektrických a elektronických 

zariadeniach číslo 2002/96/eS, ktorá vstúpila do platnosti 13. augusta 2005, výrobky, ktorými sú 

„elektrické a elektronické zariadenia” nesmú byť zneškodňované spolu s komunálnym odpadom 

a výrobcovia patričných elektronických zariadení sú povinní takéto výrobky na konci životnosti 

prevziať naspäť.

(Slovenian) (


) Skladno z določili direktive evropske unije (“eU”) o odpadni električni 

in elektronski opremi, Direktiva 2002/96/eS, ki je veljavna od 13. avgusta, izdelkov “električne 

in elektronske opreme” ni dovoljeno odstranjevati kot običajne komunalne odpadke, proizvajalci 

zadevne elektronske opreme pa so zavezani, da tovrstne izdelke na koncu njihove življenjske 

dobe sprejmejo nazaj.

Summary of Contents for MS-A934

Page 1: ...Wind Top AC1900 All in One AIO PC MS A934 V1 X System...

Page 2: ...1 1 Packing Contents 1 2 System Overview 1 3 System Specifications 1 11 Component Replacement Upgrade 1 12 2 Getting Started 2 1 Safety Comfort Tips 2 2 Having Good Working Habits 2 3 Knowing the Keyb...

Page 3: ...gistered trademark of Intel Corporation Realtek is a registered trademark of Realtek Semiconductor Corporation Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation U S Patent Numbers 4 631 603 4...

Page 4: ...ced that the acquisition of replaceable parts or compatible ones of the product users purchased in certain countries or territories may be fulfilled by the manufacturer within 5 years at most since th...

Page 5: ...ental Policy The product has been designed to enable proper reuse of parts and recycling and should not be thrown away at its end of life Users should contact the local authorized point of collection...

Page 6: ...utlet Do not disable the protective earth pin from the plug The equipment must be connected to an earthed mains socket outlet Always unplug the AC power cord before installing any add on card or modul...

Page 7: ...shield is reliably connected to protective earthing system of the building Cable distribution system should be grounded earthed in accordance with ANSI NFPA 70 the National Electrical Code NEC in part...

Page 8: ...evision reception which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the measures listed below Reorient or relocate...

Page 9: ...Ende seines Baruchbarkeitsdauer zur ckzunehmen Spanish Espa ol Bajo la directiva 2002 96 EC de la Uni n Europea en materia de desechos y o equipos electr nicos con fecha de rigor desde el 13 de agost...

Page 10: ...t i k teless v lnak az ilyen term kek visszav tel re azok hasz nos lettartama v g n Czech e tina Podle sm rnice Evropsk unie EU o likvidaci elektrick ch a elektronick ch v robk 2002 96 EC platn od 13...

Page 11: ...ctricos e Electr nicos da Uni o Europeia UE efectiva desde o 13 de Agosto do ano 2005 os produtos de equipamento el ctrico e electr nico n o podem ser descartados como res duo municipal e os fabricant...

Page 12: ...oldningsavfall og fabrikantene av disse produktene er forpliktet ta tilbake slike produkter ved slutten av produktets levetid Bulgarian 2002 96 EC 13 2005 Croatian Hrvatski U okviru Direktive Europske...

Page 13: ...a mirror screen which displays the simplicity of mod ern individualism and the comfort of home With a touchscreen display flawless audio video capabilities and intuitive user inter face it blends tec...

Page 14: ...he items is damaged or missing The picture is for your reference only and your packing contents may slightly vary depending on the model you purchased Wind Top Series AC DC Adapter AC Power Cord User...

Page 15: ...h the microphone can be used for picture taking video recoding online conferencing and any other interactive applications 3 LCD Display The 18 5 inch TFT LCD display is with an optimal resolution of 1...

Page 16: ...on nect the AC power cord to the socket outlet for safety concerns 1 Ventilator The ventilator on the enclosure is used for air convection and to pre vent the equipment from overheating Do not cover t...

Page 17: ...ted that the supported memory cards may vary without notice USB Port The USB Universal Serial Bus port is provided for attaching USB devices such as mouse keyboard printer scanner camera PDA or other...

Page 18: ...ntegrated for your home entertainment 2 Eject Button Press the eject button to open the optical disk drive 3 Eject Hole Insert a thin straight object such as a paper clip into the eject hole to open t...

Page 19: ...ported memory cards may vary without notice 5 USB Port The USB Universal Serial Bus port is provided for attaching USB devices such as mouse keyboard printer scanner camera PDA or other USB compatible...

Page 20: ...lator 2 Drive Activity LED The drive activity LED is on when data is read from or written to the hard disk drive HDD or optical disk drive ODD 3 Power LED The power LED glows when the system is turned...

Page 21: ...tem on or off Pressing the power button will wake the system up from power saving mode 7 USB Port The USB Universal Serial Bus port is provided for attaching USB devices such as mouse keyboard printer...

Page 22: ...connector is provided for VGA interface de vice 10 Power Jack The AC DC adapter converts AC power to DC power for this jack Power supplied through this jack supplies power to the PC To pre vent damage...

Page 23: ...odec by Realtek ALC269 series Compliant with Azalia 1 0 specs Display 18 5 inch TFT LCD display with an optimal resolution of 1366 X 768 and stan dard proportion of 16 9 widescreen Side I O 2 USB port...

Page 24: ...Component Replacement Upgrade Please note that certain components preinstalled in the product may be up gradable or replaceable by user s request depending on the models users pur chased 5 3 2 1 4 1...

Page 25: ...orized service center closest to your location for as sistance To learn more about upgrade limitation please refer to the specifications in the User s Manual For any further information on the product...

Page 26: ......

Page 27: ...g Started This chapter provides you with the information on hardware set up procedures While connecting peripheral devices be careful in holding the devices and use a grounded wrist strap to avoid sta...

Page 28: ...traight and keep a good posture Adjust the chair s back if available to support your back comfortably Place you feet flat and naturally on the floor so that your knees and elbows have the proper posit...

Page 29: ...e to work with your AIO PC for long periods of time otherwise it may cause discomfort or injury to you Please keep the following tips in mind when operating Change your posture frequently Stretch and...

Page 30: 440g Features Multimedia function keys with AIO PC New isolated keycap for easy typing Soft touch and tactile feedback for comfortable typing New concept elegant and slim keyboard in streamline sha...

Page 31: ...ack Fn F10 Mute function Fn F11 Volume down Fn F12 Volume up Hot Keys Fn F1 Launch the default E Mail applications Fn F2 Lanuch the default internet browser and go to the de fault home page Fn F3 Back...

Page 32: ...stem on a flat and steady surface such as a table or desk Step 2 Pull the stand open until it snaps in place 10 degrees You can also tilt the LCD display to an angle of between 10 and 25 degrees to su...

Page 33: ...s USB devices such as mouse keyboard digital camera webcam printer external optical storage de vice and etc To connect these devices install the drivers for each device first if necessary and then con...

Page 34: ...s digital cam eras etc VGA Video Graphics Array is a graphics display system for PCs VGA connec tors and their associated cabling are always used solely to carry analog video signals along with digita...

Page 35: ...5 connector of the AIO PC allows you to connect the LAN local area network devices such as a hub switch and gateway to build a network con nection For more instructions or detailed steps on connecting...

Page 36: ...within a broad coverage area and still be connected to the network By using the 64 bit 128 bit Wired Equivalent Privacy WEP encryption technol ogy and Wi Fi Protected Access feature the optional buil...

Page 37: outlet Important We suggest that you connect the AC DC adapter to your AIO PC first and then connect the AC power cord to the socket outlet for safety concerns Disconnecting the AC Power Step 4 Unp...

Page 38: ......

Page 39: ...ns such as system boot setup recovery disk creation network connection and so on Important It is highly recommended that you create a system recovery disk as the backup solution in the event of a cata...

Page 40: ...e terms box and click Next to continue Step 7 Select Use recommended settings for Help protect your computer and improve Windows automatically Step 8 Review your time and date settings Click Next to c...

Page 41: ...other ac cidents Before moving forward please make sure your system booting setup is complete and go over the following procedures to get it done Step 1 Double click the BurnRecovery icon on the deskt...

Page 42: ...Operations Step 3 Select Create and burn a recovery disk and click Next to continue Alternatively choose Advanced to bring forth advanced options Choose between the provided options and click Next to...

Page 43: ...g to create the image of recovery disk It takes some time to finish the processing Step 5 Follow the on screen instructions to prepare enough number of blank DVD disks Insert the blank DVD disk into t...

Page 44: ...3 6 System Operations Step 6 The Windows Disc Image Burner pops up Click Burn to start the burn ing progress It takes a while to finish the processing...

Page 45: ...e disk creation click Close to exit and take out the disk Follow the on screen instructions to create all recovery disks Step 8 All recovery disks have been successfully created Please store the disks...

Page 46: ...3 8 System Operations Step 9 Check the following box if you want to remove the temporary files Click Finish to complete recovery disk creation...

Page 47: ...move users could use the IdeaCom TSC tool installed in system to adjust the ac curacy of the touch panel Please go over the following steps to get it done Step 1 Locate the IdeaCom TSC tool at Start A...

Page 48: ...oints We suggest that users choose 9 points to adjust the touch panel If users desire the best precision then choose 25 points instead Click Calibra tion to proceed and follow the on screen instructio...

Page 49: ...3 11 MS A934 Network Connection under Windows Wired LAN Step 1 Go to Start Control Panel Step 2 Select Connect to the Internet under Network and Internet...

Page 50: ...ns Step 3 Select Broadband PPPoE to connect using DSL or cable that requires a user name and password Step 4 Type the information from your Internet Service Provider ISP and click Connect to establish...

Page 51: ...3 13 MS A934 Wireless LAN Step 1 Go to Start Control Panel Step 2 Select Connect to the Internet under Network and Internet...

Page 52: ...ireless net work Step 4 A list of available WLAN connections pops up Choose a connection from the list or click Open Network and Sharing Center to establish a new connection Step 5 To establish a new...

Page 53: ...reless network and click Next to continue Step 7 Enter information for the wireless network you intend to add and click Next to proceed Step 8 A new WLAN connection has been made Click Close to exit o...

Page 54: ...f your display or set your PC to sleep mode after a period of user inactivity Power Management in Windows OS Power Options in Windows OS allow you to control the power man agement features of your dis...

Page 55: ...ny of the following the power button the mouse the keyboard Energy Saving Tips Utilize the Fn Z sleep mode keys to turn into power saving mode Tune the settings in Power Options under Windows OS to op...

Page 56: normally Before using the System Recovery Function please backup the important data saved on your system drive to other storage devices If the following solution fails to recover your system plea...

Page 57: ...covery Manager to start the System Recovery Function or select EXIT to restart the system 5 The System Recovery Function will get your system back to default settings Press OK to confirm 6 Press OK to...

Page 58: operating system as usual Recovering the System with the Recovery Disks If the F3 hotkey recovery cannot work try recovering your system with the recovery disks that you created beforehand Follow t...

Page 59: ...oot from CD or DVD 4 The Windows OS starts loading files Windows is loading files 5 The system recovery menu pops up Hard Disk Recovery will format the whole HDD All data on the HDD will be erased whi...

Page 60: will not be affected It is highly recommended that users select System Partition Recovery to restore the system 6 The system recovery will format your HDD partition Make sure that the important dat...

Page 61: ...or it may cause unknown damage to the system 8 The following message indicates successful system recovery Press OK to restart the system and access the Windows operating system as usual 9 If the recov...
