Tester MS800
Ni-Mh elements are afraid of overcharging, because after the end of the charge, almost all energy
turns into heat and causes overheating and failure of the element. There is a method of charging
Ni-Mh batteries with a small current (1/20 C) - a so-called trickle charge. At this charge and at
room temperature, the energy generated will not be enough to harm the elements. This allows
the undercharged cells to be charged and charged safely recharged.
The tester allows activating the trickle charge after the main charge cycle. The time and current
of the trickle charge are set in the menu of charge mode settings.
1. Bad connection of «crocodile clip» to the module.
If connect the tester clamps to the module improperly, the clamp contact will not be stable. That
leads to voltage surges that the tester takes for a voltage drop on the ΔU 1 Cell and stops the fast
charge. Сell remains undercharged.
Figure 16.
Voltage change on the module with the not proper connection of clamps
2. Incorrect settings.
Charge/discharge settings should be monitored and rechecked very carefully. Incorrect settings
will lead to undercharging of the module or to overcharging, as result - module failure or fire.