Thank you for purchasing the “Upsampling Upgrade” for your LINK DAC. I am
sure you will be very pleased with it. It adds the following new features to your
LINK as well as improved performance.
Jitter Reduction
Upsampling to 96k or 132k
If you ordered the option factory installed, we have included a storage and ship-
ping box for the upgrade in case you ever wish to remove the upgrade. Please retain
this box.
Dramatic Jitter Reduction is added to the LINK when this upgrade is installed,
whether upsampling is turned on or off. It is applied to any source all the time.
The toggle switch installed on the rear of the LINK allows upsampling to be turned
on or off. The option LED on the front panel indicates “Upsampling on”. The basic
upsampling provides a new digitally sampled signal at 96 kHz. This signal is de-
coded by the internal LINK DAC at 96K and the 96K LED will also light up ONLY
when an active source is being played. When no source is active, such as when a
CD is paused, the input LED will light, but the frequency LED will not light. As
soon as play is resumed the frequency LED will again light up. This is different from
a LINK DAC without upsampling. It indicates frequency even if the source is not
actively playing.