Upgrades and Modifications
Removal of the cover
The cover cannot be removed. The circuits are potted in the chassis. There are no serviceable parts inside.
Installing or replacing the Input Modules
The modules are designed to be easily installed or replaced. Turn the DAC over and place on a soft
surface like a towel. Please follow these instructions.
PLEASE note that the order the modules are installed is the priority order you will establish for automatic input selection. The highest priority input
is located closest to the output connectors.
To remove a module, first remove the Phillips head screw in the jackpanel
of the module.
Next remove the two screws on the bottom adjacent to the module.
Next remove the knurled screw
from the base of the DAC. This
is your removal tool. Screw it in
hand tight into the back of the
Input Module.
Then pull FIRMLY on the
removal tool. Wiggle gently if
needed. The module will slide