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The effect discussed can be eliminated by increasing the tail weight, for example by moving the tail servo backwards (to the tail fin, the 
model balancing remains the Same if the accus are moved forward), or by using Standard Mode for hover flight. The gyro gain can be 
set in quite broad range, when model is still stabilized. and does not wag the tail. The heavier the model, the higher gyro gain can be 
used. We recommend to trim the neutral tail position in Normal Mode. This will eliminate possible mechanical deviation of the tail 
neutral position. Such a deviation will load the gyro with all-time correction of the neutral, leading subsequentially to unequal steering 
effect for left and right deviations. 
Also, bear in mind that if substantial trimming took place, the steering deviations will be different for left and right side. This is because 
of the Authority mixing system, which decreases the gyro sensitivity taking into account the original neutral position, but this position 
was substantially changed by the trimming. Resolve the Situation by reboot of the gyro (power off and on). 


The operating voltage is 4 - 6,5 V. If the upper allowable voltage is exceeded, the gyro will be irreversibly damaged. 
The Position sensor inside of the gyro is very sensitive to mechanical shock and vibrations. Avoid hard hits, as this will lead to 
terminal gyro damage. The temperature range: -10 - + 50°C, avoid rapid temperature changes. We wish you many happy flights 
with our product! 

MS Composit s.r.o. 

Tursko 37 

Czech Republic


