Finish filling the reactor with your top off water until full.
Install the reactor lid and hand tighten the thumbscrews in an alternating pattern.
Ensure the O-ring is seated in the groove of the reactor flange.
Connect your fresh water line into the input line on the Nilsen lid (the input line is the
one with a clear pipe attached).
Connect a line to the Kalkwasser effluent port located on the top of the lid. Secure
this line in the area of the sump you want to drip the solution. Ideally, you want to
drip it in an area of turbulence. Stagnant water can cause a localized calcium
concentration which can lead to calcium dropping out of solution.
Before dosing, allow the Kalk to settle.
Setting the Timer
The timer will control the mixing pump.
The more frequent and the longer the Kalk is stirred, the more saturated the
solution will be. The frequency and duration of the mixing will be dependent on
what your reef inhabitants require. You want to dose a transparent solution, leaving
the undissolved powder in the reactor. On most systems, the best timing cycle will
be every 4 hours for 5-15 seconds.
Cleaning/Refilling the Reactor
Once the kalk powder has been exhausted, unplug the reactor and remove it for
cleaning. Drain the unit and discard the residual powder. Rinse with water. Add a
vinegar and water solution and run for a few cycles. This will clean the pump and all
ports/lines. Rinse again with water. You are now ready to refill the unit.
For further information please contact us: