2- 3 Flash Tube Specification
Flash tube
Xenon lamp.
Flash Duration
Approximately 10 to 30 microseconds.
Flash color Temp. Xenon white 6,500 K degree.
Flash energy
8 Watts-seconds (joules).
Beam Angle
80 degrees.
Flash tube
It is required to change the flash tube
when the instrument start to flash
irregularly at speeds > 3600 RPM/FPM.
Operating duty
For prolong life and safety, please
adhere to the following operation duty
< 2000 RPM - 4 hours
2001 to 3600 RPM - 2 hours
3601 to 8000 RPM - 60 minutes
> 8000 RPM - 30 minutes.
* 10 min. cooling off period between cycles.