Recirculating cooler
Section III Setting Guide
3.1 Preparations before operation
3.1.1 Clean the reservoir tank and workspace before operation.
3.1.2 Make sure the flange bolts of the external flexible hose tightened.
3.1.3 Power connection: connect the unit’s power outlet with the single phase
power of the workspace (please referring the name tag of the chiller). The
requirement of the power supply shall be grounded single phase three wire or
three phase five wire, whose earth resistance shall not be bigger than 0.1Ω.
Electric power supply capacity not less than 1.5times of unit power for single
3.1.4 reservoir liquid injection: reservoir liquid should be injected for the first
time operation.Inject the liquid till volume higher than the water level 10 to
20mm. To avoid blockage and incrustation in pipelines, please use deionized
water or specialize liquid. It is necessary for you to clean the reservoir tank
and change the bath liquid in reservoir tank regularly to prevent germs.
For small size opening unit, liquid should be slowly injected as soon
as the chiller starts with funnel diameter no less than 300mm, and
stop injection after water level alarm stops.