BA 3527161/02 EN
5 Calibration
4.6 Switch settings
The switches are individually adjustable and can be set
to any temperature on the individual scale, regardless
of other switch settings. The setting is done in the fol-
lowing steps:
a. Loosen the set screw on the orange pointer
b. Rotate the drum while holding the set screw in
position until the orange pointer points at the desired
temperature setting on the scale.
c. Tighten the set screw in this position.
d. Check the switch setting as per below.
4.7 Switch setting check
Keep the instrument in vertical position and turn the
shaft with the drums towards higher temperatures
(check that the pointer for the indication moves this
way) and check that contact is obtained at the desired
value. If necessary please re-adjust the setting.
5 Calibration
Every instrument is factory calibrated so no additional
calibration is necessary. This applies for all functions,
including Indication, Switches and Analogue Output if
5.1 Calibration check
Put the bulb (completely) in boiling water and check the
reading after 15 minutes. If the error is larger than the
stated tolerance (like ±3 °C) please contact your local
representative or the manufacturer. As an alternative to
boiling water a well-stirred (oil) bath of min 5 l volume
with control thermometer or the MESSKO
Bath can be used.
Do not turn the shaft of the drums in the other direc-
tion, since calibration may change.