MPM3695-25 Evaluation Kit User Guide rev 1.1
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Section 3. Evaluation Kit Test Set-Up
3.1 Hardware Set-Up
The hardware must be properly configured prior to use. Follow the instructions below to set up the EVB.
1. Connect the PMBus cable to the evaluation board and the EVKT-USBI2C-02 communication
interface device.
2. Connect the EVKT-USBI2C-02 communication interface device to your PC using the USB cable,
and follow the instructions below to set up the EVB.
Figure 5: EVB to MPS I
C Communication Interface Device Wire Connection
3.2 Powering up the EVB
1. Connect the positive and negative terminals of the load to the VOUT and GND pins, respectively.
2. Set the output voltage of a bench power supply between 4V and 16V before connecting to the EVB
to prevent damage. Then turn off the power supply.
3. Connect the positive and negative terminals of the power supply to the VIN and GND pins,
4. Turn the power supply on. The EVB will power up automatically.
3.3 Software Set-Up
After connecting the hardware according to steps above, please follow the following steps to set-up
1. Open Virtual Bench Pro. The software will scan the connected power modules.
If the GUI detects the power module, an address will appear below the "MPM3695-25" on the
left panel. Additionally, the indicator
to the left of “MPM3695-25” will turn green (see Figure 6).
Please refer to the troubleshooting section if the power module cannot be detected