User Guide
HR1203 Evaluation Kit (EVKT-1203)
HR1203 Evaluation Kit User Guide Rev 1.0
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For more details about GUI panels, refer to
AN103-User Guideline_HR1203 I
C Kit and GUI
4. Go to the Connect Panel to program the IC after all parameters have been configured (see Figure
Figure 20: Connect Panel
“Program” to program all the panel parameters to EEPROM of the IC. When programming is
finished, the EEPROM data is read out and compared with original written values to complete a self-
check. If something is wrong, a corresponding prompt box pops up. If everything goes well, a dialogue
box reads:
“Programmed successfully.”
“Export” to save all the panel parameters in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
“Import” to load data from an external Excel spreadsheet into the GUI panels. Ensure the
external Excel spreadsheet has the same form as the one exported from the GUI.
In online mode (except the Connect Panel),
a special
“Debug” button controls the turning on and
turning off of the real-time programming function (see Figure 21).
Figure 21: Debug Button (Online Mode)
Real-Time Programming:
“Debug” to light the button up in orange. This means the real-time programming function is
turned on, and any single change in any panel can programmed to the chip in real-time by clicking
“Enter” immediately. Under this condition, the “Import” function is disabled.
For Example