1. Put the cover (8) container for ground coffee (9). Put the container in grinder’s case (5).
2. Take off the coffee container cover (1) from the container (3).
3. Put coffee beans into the container using a spoon (3). The amount of used coffee will
depend on the kind of coffee and on individual preferences. It is recommended to put one
full spoon for one cup of coffee.
4. Put the cover (1) on the container (3).
5. Put the knob for ground coffee thickness regulation (4) into a desired position. The knob
has numbers from 1 (coffee is
nely ground), to 9 (coffee is thickly ground). Between the
numbers on regulation knob there are some intermediate positions (marked with spots)
on which the knob can be put as well and coffee can be ground precisely according to
individual preferences.
Grind settings
1 – 3 Coffee is
nely ground (Espresso coffee machine)
4 – 6 Coffee is medium ground (coffee machine with a
7 – 9 Coffee is thickly ground
6. Put the clock (7) in one of chosen positions which indicate a number of cups 0 (switched
off) to 12. Information above is approximate as grinding will be shorter if we want to
have a thickly ground coffee and longer if coffee is to be
nely ground. We recommend
adjusting the above settings according to individual preferences and needs.
7. Put the plug into the socket.
8. Press the switch (6), the grinder will start working, coffee beans from the container will
go on grinding wheels, which will grind the coffee and next coffee will go to the con-
tainer for ground coffee (9).
9. If, for any reason, you have to stop the grinder during it is in operation, rewind the clock
to 0 position.
10. When the grinder stops working, the clock will stop at 0 position (switched off), take the
plug from the socket.
11. If you need to grind more coffee, wait at least one minute.
12. Clean the grinder after each use, otherwise left coffee might create lumps and contami-
nate another portion of coffee.
13. To obtain a whole container of coffee, it must be ground for the whole time allowed (1
After 1 minute of continuous operation of the grinder it should be put aside for a few min-
utes in order to let it cool down before another use.
The device cannot be used for more than 1 minute at one time.
Before cleaning the grinder, put the clock back to ‘0’ position and cut off the electric current.
Coffee container cover (1) and a container (3) should be systematically cleaned from coffee
residue. The coffee container (3) should be cleaned with a wet cloth with some soap. Coffee
container cove (1) can be washed in warm water with some soap. After washing the cover
should be thoroughly rinsed and left to dry up before another assembly on the device.