Store Bookmark
When you are reading the book, touch the “<” icon and “ ”
to save the bookmark, there are total eight bookmarks can
be saved. Touch “ ” to confirm and save bookmark in the
current page. Short touch “
” to exit saving.
Touch “<” to save bookmark, use “^” or “v“ to select the
bookmark, and then touch “
to confirm. Touch “>” to
load saved bookmark.
After enter into “Record” status, you will see the interface as
Touch “ ” to start recording and touch “
” to complete
recording and save the recorded file. After saving, it will
prepare next recording again.
REC Setup
In Stop state of REC mode, long press [MENU] key to exit
the Main interface, and enter “Setting” option, and select
“record” adjust the settings among [REC Quality]/[REC
REC Quality: High quality, general quality (the first
one has larger REC file and better effect; the second
one is in the opposite)