NPort IA5150A/IA5250A Series
Web Console Configuration
UDP Multicast
A multicast is a packet sent by one host to multiple hosts. In multicast, each host that belongs to a specific
multicast group will receive multicast packets for that group. To configure a host as a multicast receiver over
the Internet, it must inform the routers on its LAN. The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is used to
communicate group membership information between hosts and routers on a LAN. NPort IA5150A/IA5250A
supports IGMP version 2.
You could key in the IP (ex. that multicast group assigned into the column of Destination IP address,
and next, NPort would automatically add the Group, receiving all packets from this group in order to fulfill the
function of multicast.
Pair Connection Mode
Pair Connection Master Mode
When you select
Pair Connection Master Mode
for the Operation mode of one of the NPort
IA5150A/IA5250A device servers this NPort IA5150A/IA5250A will be acting as a TCP client.
TCP alive check time
Factory Default
0 to 99 min
7 min
0 min: TCP connection is not closed due to an idle TCP connection.
1 to 99 min: The NPort IA5150A/IA5250A closes the TCP connection automatically if there is no TCP activity for
the given time.