MGate 5111
Device Search Utility
Starting the Device Search Utility (DSU)
The DSU is a Windows-based utility that is used to configure the MGate 5111 Series.
Before running the DSU, make sure that your PC and the MGate 5111 are connected to the same network.
Alternatively, the MGate 5111 Series may be connected directly to the PC for configuration purposes. Refer to
Chapter 2 for more details.
You may open the DSU from the Windows Start menu by clicking
DSU window should appear as shown below.
The DSU needs to connect to the unit before the unit can be configured. There are two methods to connect to
the unit.
Broadcast Search
is used to find all MGate 5111 units on the LAN.
Search IP
attempts to connect
to a specific unit by IP address, which is useful if the unit is located outside the LAN or can only be accessed by
going through a router.