MC-7130-MP Hardware
BIOS Setup
Video Configuration
This item allows you to configure the integrated graphics device (IGD) for things like memory allocation (DVMT)
and monitor types (Boot Type).
Primary Display
This item allows you to select the primary display source.
Options: IGFX (default), PEG
Internal Graphics Device
This option allows you to enable/disable the internal graphics device.
Options: Enable (default), Disable
IGD—DVMT Pre-Allocated
This item allows you to configure pre-allocated memory capacity for the IGD. Pre-allocated graphics memory
is invisible to the operating system.
Options: 64 MB (default), 32 MB, 96 MB, 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB
DVMT is a BIOS solution where “the optimum amount of memory is dynamically allocated and de-allocated as
needed for balanced graphics and system performance, through Intel® Direct AGP and a highly efficient
memory utilization scheme. DVMT ensures the most efficient use of available system memory resources for
maximum 2D/3D graphics performance.
This item allows you to configure the maximum amount of memory DVMT will use when allocating additional
memory for the internal graphics device.
Options: 256 MB (default), 128 MB, Max