3. Types of Motors
Tanks in the aquarium
Tanks in the aquarium are mostly made by plastic. Acrylic that has been pasted many is
used for tanks. Acrylic is lighter than glass, not easy to break, and same transparency as
Plastic bottle
As you know well, drink bottles are made by plastic (not all of them.) Plastic bottle is made
Polyethylene Terephathalate. Do you know that cutting finely Polyethylene Terephathalate is
same as Polyester, which is used for clothe.
CD (compact disk)
When you listen music, you listen by using CD & CD player. Do you know CD is made by
plastic. "Polycarbonate" is the plastic that is used for CD. Polycarbonate is used for things
need strong power, and to be transparet.
Polycarbonate is such a strong plastic that is not easy to be elastic, and change shape by
temperature. Moreover, there is numerous plastic products such as telephone, bath tab,
washbasin, bucket, tape, contact lens, personal computer, and etc. Each products use
plastic's characteristic and nature.
Recently, the concern to ecology increases and recycling of plastic parts attracts attention.
By using existing shape to recycle or gather same materials and melt them by heat and
chemicals. These could be other products later. Recently, package of the products show
material of plastic to distinguish each material easily. Recently, a gift box has a printing of
plastic material, to make easier to recycle. Moreover, new material "resolution plastic" is now
focused on. If we say "resolution plastic" more easier, it is a plastic that microorganism eats
in the solid, so the plastic results later. In fact, the plastic returns to solid. Usual plastics
never changes their shapes forever. Disintegration plastics are dissolved as same as plants
and animals, so it is very good for ecology.
Plastic will evolve more and more. Now plastic has been developing new type. Some
plastics can be eaten, some of them are gone through the electric current. Maybe some
house will be made by plastic in the future. Also, foods are made by plastic, which can be
saved more than ten years. These foods will taste good, and good nutrition. Let's research
for plastic more and more if you have a time. It might be fun to research!
Plastic bag, Vinyl bag
Plastic bottle
Disintegration Plastic bottle
Plastic foods
Tanks in the aquarium
Normal plastic is...
Disintegration plas-
tic is...
Microorganism eats
and return to solid!
Still plastic forever...
Explanation of Plastic
Explanation of Plastic
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