Select TV hardware (diameter / length / combination)
Bolt diameter: hand thread bolts into threaded inserts on the back of
TV to determine correct bolt diameter (M4, M5, M6, M8).
Too Short
Bolt length: verify adequate thread engagement with bolts or
bolts/spacers combination. We recommend thread engagement
by at least 5 turns.
- Too short will not hold the TV.
- Too long will damage the TV.
Too Long
Add distance to wall
Irregular back
Inset holes
Bolt and spacer combination: spacers sometimes are needed to
combine with bolts for several situations.
(For detail bolts and spacers combination, please refer to Page 7)
TV back
TV back
TV back
TV back
Carefully lay your TV on a non-abrasive surface, or lay it with a padding underneath
it so as not to damage the screen.
Step 2