This guarantee is in addition to, and does not detract from, the contractual rights of the
owner under statute or common law.
The engine manufacturer guarantees the engine fitted to this machine.
This gurantee does not apply to the routine replacement of parts that are subject to normal
wear and tear - or to normal service and maintenance parts. This guarantee does not cover
faults caused by neglect or misuse.
This guarantee is not transferable. Proof of purchase will be required in the event of a claim.
If any part or parts is found to be defective within the guarantee period, GGP UK Limited
via their authorised dealer, will effect the repair or replacement at no charge to the owner
providing that the fault is reported direct to the dealer. All repairs must be carried out by
an authorised Mountfield dealer. Delivery and collection of the machine is the owner's
responsibility and not covered under the terms of this guarantee.
If the machine is used for commercial purposes; i.e. for hire; or by contractors, caravan
sites or similar users, this guarantee period shall be 90 days.
GGP UK Limited undertakes to provide a full guarantee against defective materials or
workmanship for two years from the date of purchase.
Please keep your receipt, proof of purchase will be
required in the event of a claim.
The information for your machine is on the serial
number label, which is fixed on the cutter deck at the
base of the handles. You will be asked for these
details if you have any problems or require spare parts.
On delivery of your new Mountfield mower, we
suggest that you complete the box to the right.
Service Record
Date of Service:
Next Service Due:
Dealer's Signature:
Dealer's Stamp:
1st Service
2nd Service
Part Number 71503862/0
. . . . . . .
S/N° . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Manufactured by
Via del Lavoro, 6 - 31033
Castelfranco V.to (TV) - ITALY
Model: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Type: . . . . . . . . . . .
M a n u f a c t u r e d b y :
G G P I T A L Y S P A - V i a d e l L a v o r o , 6 - 3 1 0 3 3 C a s t e l f r a n c o V . t o ( T V ) - I T A L Y
Bell Close, Newnham Industrial Estate, Plympton, Plymouth, Devon, PL7 4JH, England
Date of Service:
Next Service Due:
Dealer's Signature:
Dealer's Stamp: