4. Function buttons
SELECT button
Used to confirm selections during SETUP and PLAYBACK modes.
+ or – button
• Used to change the setting values within the SETUP mode.
• Used to move forward or backward while reviewing pictures in
LEFT ( ) button
• Used to choose previous settings in SETUP mode.
• Used to delete pictures or video in PLAYBACK mode.
RIGHT ( ) button
• Used to choose next settings in SETUP mode.
• Used to play video clips in PLAYBACK mode.
5. USB OUT port — To plug USB cable to connect to a computer.
6. TV OUT port — To connect to TV to review pictures or video clips.
7. SD MEMORY CARD port — To insert SD card for memory space. Note: The
metal contact of your card should be facing down when inserting.
8. Status/Standby Indicator — When the camera is in AUTO mode, it flashes
every 3 seconds to indicate that the camera is powered ON. To see the status
of the camera, click the power button quickly (note: if camera is within 15
seconds of taking its next photo or video, pressing this button will reset the
timelapse timer).
9. Viewfinder — When mounted on a tripod or tree bracket, the viewfinder
can be used to accurately set up the Plot Stalker’s viewing range.