Page 1: chargei in place of a battery eliminator If a battery eliminator is used it must be well regulated and filtered 3 POWER TR ANSISTOR REPLACEMENT When replacing TUOTOF OLA STATION PROCEDURE FOR BRANDED MODELS ices are to be borne by the customer 4 Fill in tle Motorola Auto Radio Warranty Labor Claim Part No 54P480884 and mail white and green copies to the MotorolaDistributor serving your area The...
Page 2: ... with step 3 back tuning cores as far as possible out of coils to minimize their effect on trimmer adjustments Ant recept thru dummy s ee fig lt Repeatsteps4 5 I until no further increase then cement tuning cores in place step 5 should be last adjustment ANTENNA TRIMMER 3 4 5 6 1610 Kc lZ00 Kc 1610 Kc Hi end stop Ttner carriage 9 3Zt tuom hi end stop Hi end stop Weak station around 1400 Kc 5 6 7 8...
Page 3: ...ff unless otheruise specif ied VoLIAGI5 Lred lrom poinr _dicdted lo chass s with a WVM Nb signal input Tolerance tM INPUI VOL AGI 7V DC TUNINC RANGT 540 KC lo 1610 C lF FRIQUtNCY 262 5 KC lndicat s cltrhise rolalion of control CAUTION A IfAD MUST BI CONNECIFD TO POSITIVI I SIDi OF POI4ER SUPPLY RADIO W ILL NOT OPTRATT AND DAI 1AGE TO COMPOISNTS WIIL RiSULT IT CONNTCTED OTHERWISE EIAS CONTROL RBI r...
Page 4: ...9 anp See Tuner Parts List Choke filter A11 resistors are insulated carbon type unless otherwise sPecif ied 1 neg 20 l 2w 17 OOO 20 2W 180 ro r 2N 100 000 20 1 2 l Ccntrol dual switchx RsA Vo1 2M R5B Tone 2M 3 3 neg 20 l zN 3 3 neg 20 I 2tN 1 meg 20 I 2w 220 OOO 201a r 2 t 10 meg 20 I 2u nee 2o l 2w 7 meg 2o7o I 2u Bias Control I25 Thernistor 3 10 25oC 5 6 ro lW 1000 20 t 2N Wirevound 47 10 l 2 56...