Manual Scan
I hope this service manual is of use to you. Motorola does
not make this available as a PDF and all other available
copies are of poor quality.
Each page is captured at 600 DPI, and as 24-bit color, 8-
bit grayscale or black and white and at the proper page
size, up to 11x34 inches in many cases. OCR has been
preformed on the document, even on the large pages. The
document is condensed into one single PDF with text
overlay. You should be able to print the larger sheets on
11x17 or tile them onto 8.5x11 if needed.
Please do not charge for access to this, or put it on a
pay-wall site. Please don’t pay for access to any such
sites, they are against the ethos of hacking, and it only
encourages them to profit off the hard work of others which
has been shared openly. Please don’t change
this/recompress it; this defeats the point of capturing
this at high resolution.
If something is incorrect here, or unreadable please reach
out; I likely have the original lossless compressed images.
In the final PDF that’s color or grayscale will be JPEG
2000 format with highest quality selected. B&W images will
be compressed using CCITT Group 4. This is quite close to
the source material, but there may be some artifacts due to
lossy compression. If there’s a choice between file size
and image quality, image quality will win. It’s 2021 and
storage and bandwidth is cheap.
This was captured on a Canon DR-G2140 scanner which is ~
7500 USD unit circa 2021. You may note some artifacts and
lines in on the scans, these are due to scratches on the
sensor glass, and are minor. The replacement glass is
about 250 USD if you’re feeling generous :-)
If you have a hard to find/out of print manual and would
like to make it available please reach out, I may be able
to scan and return it to you.
Thank you,
Bryan Fields, W9CR
[email protected]