Technical Support
Technical Support
Technical support is available to assist the dealer/distributor and self-maintained customers in
resolving any malfunction which may be encountered. Initial contact should be by telephone to
customer resources wherever possible. When contacting Motorola technical support, be prepared to
provide the product model number and the unit’s serial number. The contact locations and telephone
numbers are located in the Basic Service Manual listed under the Related Documents paragraph of
this section.
1.4.1 Piece Parts
Some replacement parts, spare parts, and/or product information can be ordered directly. If a
complete Motorola part number is assigned to the part, it is available from Motorola’s Accessories and
Aftermarket Division (AAD). If no part number is assigned, the part is not normally available from
Motorola. If the part number is appended with an asterisk, the part is serviceable by Motorola Depot
only. If a parts list is not included, this generally means that no user-serviceable parts are available for
that kit or assembly.
All orders for parts/information should include the complete Motorola identification number. All part
orders should be directed to your local AAD office. Please refer to your latest price pages.
Radio Model Chart and Specifications
The radio model charts and specifications are located in the Basic Service Manual listed under the
Related Documents paragraph of this chapter.
Radio Model Information
The model number and serial number are located on a label attached to the back of your radio. You
can determine the RF output power, frequency band, protocols, and physical packages from these
numbers. The example below shows one portable radio model number and its specific characteristics.
Parts Order Entry
7:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M. (Central Standard
Monday through Friday (Chicago, U. S. A.)
To Order Parts in Latin America and the
(847) 538-8023
Motorola Parts
Accessories and Aftermarket Division
Latin America and Caribbean
Attention: Order Processing
1313 E. Algonquin Road
Schaumburg, IL 60196
Order Processing
1313 E. Algonquin Road
Schaumburg, IL 60196
Parts Identification
(847) 538-0021 (Voice)
847) 538-8194 (FAX)