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is 1.27W /kg. The S AR value for this product in its
data transmission mode (body-worn use) is
1.27W /kg. (B ody-worn measurements differ among
phone models, depending upon available
accessories and regulatory requirements).
W hile there may be differences between the S AR
levels of various phones and at various positions,
they all meet the governmental requirements for
safe exposure. Please note that improvements to
this product model could cause differences in the
S AR value for later products; in all cases, products
are designed to be within the guidelines.
Additional information on S pecific Absorption
Rates (S AR ) can be found on the Cellular
Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA)
Web site:
or the Canadian W ireless Telecommunications
Association (CW TA) Web site:
1. In the U nited S tates and Canada, the S AR limit for
mobile phones used by the public is 1.6 watts/kg
(W /kg) averaged over one gram of tissue. The
standard incorporates a substantial margin of safety to
give additional protection for the public and to account
for any variations in measurements.
2. The S AR information includes the M otorola testing
protocol, assessment procedure, and measurement
uncertainty range for this product.