Step 4.
Battery Condition Check
Immediately after the pager is placed in the ON mode, the pager will automatically
test the condition of the battery.
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Figure 2
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A good battery is indicated by a power-up alert (double-interrupted 4-beep tone)
followed by channel noise or audio., A lamp on top of the pager will flash along with
any alert tones as an additional page indicator.
A low battery is indicated by a rapidly pulsating beep, or no beep at all.
Step 5. Volume Check and Adjustment
After the power-up alert, listen for background noise or voice messages. Adjust the
volume control to a comfortable listening level and then press the RESET switch to
silence the pager (Refer to Figure 2 for location of the volume control and reset
switch.) The pager is now ready for normal operation.
Step 6. Paging Operation
(Figure 3)
When a page is received, you will hear an interrupted tone alert followed by a voice
message (function 1) or a continuous tone alert
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followed by a voice message (function 2), depending on system operation. When
the voice message is completed, press and release the RESET switch. the pager is
now in a standby condition ready to receive the next page. After a page, if the pager
is not reset, all messages and channel noise will be heard.
Figure 3—Quick Reference Chart
Pager must be manually reset after voice message. To reset, press and release
RESET switch.
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Your pager comes with the following standard features:
Automatic Listen/Manual Reset:
Following the alert tone a voice message will
immediately follow. After the voice message, the pager monitors the channel unless
the RESET switch is pressed and released.
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Dual Function:
In order to activate the dual function feature, it may be necessary to
contact your Paging Service Company or System Manager. The pager is equipped
with a dual-alert feature, so that the pager has available two different priority level
calls: function 1 or function 2. Function 1 is an interrupted alert tone. Function 2 is a
continued alert tone. The two different alerting tones can be interpreted as desired
by the user. Each function can be alerted followed by a voice message.