StockBoss Interactive for PageWriter/Timeport User’s Guide
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End of Day Rpt
At the end of the market trading day an End of Day closing
summary message is sent to the destinations selected. Note, to ensure the
charts are updated the end of day report should be left on.
In order to save any changes the user must proceed from the first screen to the
second and then select the Save option.
10. Charts
To view historical charts of the price and volume select the Charts Display…
option from the menu. Initially a basic line chart will be shown. Each chart
displays the number of days worth of data in the upper left corner and the last
date in the upper right corner. The selection box in the middle is used to display
the ticker symbol.
To change between tickers use the Nav button to select up or down through the
list. When the Nav button is used the charts will automatically update to the new
ticker. The keyboard may also be used to select a new ticker by hitting the first
letter of any ticker in any of the portfolios. However, the chart will not
automatically update. Press the Enter key to have the chart displayed.
If an incoming message arrives while viewing the chart, or you hit the Alt-Smbl
keys, the chart does not refresh automatically when dismissing the pop up dialog
box. Press the Enter key to have the chart redrawn.